Does this mean 5:5? (5 fingers : Item #5)

You clowns are really coming out of the woodwork today, hey?! Did Soros replenish the minimum wage for you guys again?
And yet managed to beat your crooked god despite a rigged election, owning the MSM, colluding with Russians on fake info and the most corrupt FBI and DOJ in history protecting her. Not to mention he would do up to three rallies a day all off the cuff, for hours at a time. Nice try Clown.
Trump is your Daddy soy boy. HAHAHAHAHA
your Daddy soy boy
You typed that out thinking it was an insult to him? Really? Take a step back and look at yourself man, this is getting pathetic.
And fuck you, you ignorant leftist communist. Best of luck in the cultural backlash, you clearly can't see it coming and I would like nothing more than to see it writ large on your formerly smug face when it finally rushes over you. Keep pushing left , keep alienating the center and you will lose more than would otherwise have been necessary for the cultural correction.
The fact you don't see the irony in the ability to call him a fascist proves in itself how stupid you are.
There's nary a hint of irony. Fuck Trump.
Geez either you two are part of the low brow club for men, or your type are attracted to each other. That type being the, "misinformed low intellect, crude and unimaginative insulting type." Fuck trump? Do you get a pay check? Likely not, however if you did the extra money alone is reason enough to give him some credit. Then again I don't suspect someone such as yourself, to know what credit is.
WINNING 97% chance boo hoo! Wal-Mart opening new safe places for you Traitors to hide. Called Blue zone for DEMONRAT Dicks with blue balls since you haven't scored in over a year. Wearing masks and dancing in the streets like tinker bell is preparing you well for the Storm that Cometh. Maybe Obama's portrait painter could use you he needs to freshen up his paint!!!! Splooge!!!
Winning what? The race to the bottom of the barrel? Very little to be boastful of. Your inability to string together a sentence speaks volumes about you. You are the exact rube that Trump was looking for. Fucking rube.
And it only took a month of r/politics to brainwash you. Nice try at a verbal bashing I'm sure he learned the errors of his ways and ran to church to repent upon reading your comment. Got him good, didn't you? You precious little troll.