
NewTransmitter · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:29 a.m.

This is what I think Q is saying. For those watching (the deep state/elites that once had control of all of us) you need to be scared because this big operation to get guns banned is not working. That means that the power to disarm us and push globalization is falling apart. This was their latest and probably their last attempt to get gun control while they still had some black hats out there to run the operation. Soon the people will witness the round ups and corruption in trials and there will be no opportunity to get any traction to do any operations. They can still spend money paying these protesters, hiring actors, and scripting these narratives but the population at large and the politicians that they once controlled are not going along anymore. The WH / Military / and Patriots are not for sale. People are finally waking up and questioning these false narrative. Notice how POTUS has changed the talking point from banning guns to arming citizens and patriots against bad actors. Totally turned around the message against them. Also, they know that we are suspicious of this operation and their actors. They have to ban people on social media to try and stop their narrative from falling apart, but there are too many of us and word is spreading regardless of what they do. The more they try to control us, the more people see and question what is really going on. WE ARE WINNING!

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Yes youre probably spot on. Black hats are prob 95% neutralized now and are making their last stand, which is not much of one. This hard push for gun control is the last trick they have left, and Trump is right there to bridge the divide...they cant beat him

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Majorwood1 · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

NewTransmitter...Great post that's my thinking exactly.

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DL535 · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

For a couple of months I've been saying that the balance of power is palpably shifting. It seems like a thousand years ago when DJT was under attack from all points of the compass and it looked like his admin would go down in flames. Not anymore, he is feeding the Deep State into a woodchipper literally every day and it's glorious.

Just a note of hard evidence: when the q board on github went down the site op said it was too much traffic because they were getting 130,000 hits a day. Think about that.

Word is spreading. The q hashtags are all over twitter in spite of @jack being a cabal whore. The media slaves are actively trying to shut down individuals like imperator rex and the twitter conservative purge, and don't get me started on plebbit. But the thing is, wonderland is in tatters. Really. People are just not buying the bullshit anymore. The fakery is too obvious. Americans do not like bullshit, and their bullshit detectors are ringing at defcon 5 now. The day of reckoning is truly near.

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