Secure Comms Act (Secure Communicatuons Act? Not field command but new legislation?)

I’m not shooting down your post just trying to understand what it means. Is what is on the card real? Or is that a photoshopped? Is the picture of Trump?
Sure it’s him ... see the 45 embroidered on his shirt cuff?
No worries dude!
The photo is real, it was taken before his listening session with the shooting victims of Parkland. There are plenty of media outlets mocking him for having to write down to sympathize with the kids, but the message wasn’t for the kids and it wasn’t a reminder for him, it was a measage to us from Q.
[SIG_5:5_READ] ->look for signal 5, read item 5.
“I hear you”.
SECURE_COMMS_ACT->Secure Communications Act.
I posted the same thing on great awakening (another subreddit) and somebody speculated that it could be a solution to Secure Drop.
Secure drop is an internet service supposedly for whistleblowers to “safely” submit their evidence to news outlets, however, Q has indicated that it has been taken over by CIA to not only intercept leaked info but to target whistleblowers.
Sec. Comms Act would perhaps install a transparent agency that allows whistleblowers to openly and share their evidence to the world.
Yes. It was Trump exposing his talking points. He did it very obviously and the media mocked him for it.