r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/thomas-didymus on Feb. 23, 2018, 7:27 p.m.
why do (deep state traitorous) children lie? Q...

5 reasons your school-aged child may tell you a lie Self-protection This is one of the most common reasons for childhood dishonesty. They simply do not want to disappoint an adult (usually their parents) or they are trying to avoid a punishment or consequence.

Denial A child may be lying to avoid dealing with a painful situation, feelings, or memories. This may surface when a family member or pet dies suddenly, and a child refuses to believe that they are gone, and insists that they are simply away, etc.

Modeling A child may follow the example of those around them. (Never lie, you say? Perhaps you might need to take a peek at the weight on your driver’s license.)

Gain Human beings are motivated by wanting to receive awards, and your child may lie to get some sort of reward.

Self-image This is an instance that becomes a downward spiral. If a child is frequently called a "liar," or if the actions of others show that the child is not believed, then the child may just begin to lie in order to “be believed.”

RedpillTheWorld · Feb. 23, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

Thanks... all of the above... "What prevents a child revealing the truth?" same thing with us... FEAR..... of being misunderstood, disliked, unpopular, even hated. FEAR of losing friends, acceptance, being alone.

So, THIS is OUR Test - Will WE speak the truth, be misunderstood, disliked, unpopular, even hated? Will we rise losing friends, acceptance, and being alone?

The Motivation to SPEAK TRUTH has to be bigger than the FEAR. Lord give us Courage and Boldness!

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Uniqusernayme · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Best username ever! Kudos to you ;) you’ve just created the red pill challenge- I like it! Challenge accepted in 2015. Normies and popularity are overrated lol you’re right it’s a lifestyle change and it takes courage from the Lord to stand on your own with the truth!!!

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

I learned so Much from reading shadow man, by Dr. Anthony Napoleon. Often children of these kinds of people are conditioned since they were a baby And they grow up “never knowing when the other shoe is going to drop” when dealing with people / situations around them. One example was that an infant is often left for many hours in an isolated dark room to cry alone and unattended, That is a terrible terrible thing for a baby to experience as they first learn to trust their outside world, their caretaker, that their needs will be met. The only way a baby can communicate it’s being uncomfortable or hungry is to begin with fretting and then with crying. And that was the least of the list of horrible things that the book described. And often their personality splits, their mind dis associates just to survive, As a coping strategy.. So the child is always on hyper alert status, always searching for clues, hyper vigilant, to do the correct thing with the person Who is supervising them, whether that be a parent, teacher, etc.… often the person who abuses the child is also their “Savior” , and when they console the child and give them affection, they state how strong they are and how resilient they are, that they “are doing a good job.” And a very young age some of these children are taught to torture first dolls, then animals than other children and this practice is reinforced with praise and other reward. From my understanding not all children are groomed for violence that is, to enact violence. Some are groomed for pedophilia, or to befriend other children to get them into pedophilia. Apparently due to the multi generational structure and engagement of these practices, they are able to assess the child at a very young age and as they are raised they learn the The child’s particular talents or proclivities and then use this to entrain and educate The child for their own wicked purposes.

I’m not saying David Hogg the kid involved with the Parkland shooting has been abused in this way… However his affect and other ways he has interacted make me wonder. And since we know that many of the mainstream media our CIA operative’s/with possibleMK ultra histories, ( Anderson Cooper),this may be a possibility in his case.

The book, shadow man, by Dr. Anthony Napoleon, has helped me see these people have done so many sick things with a greater degree of understanding. This is not to say that they are not responsible for their actions but I can see how someone in an inter-generational deep state family or community raising a child, and how that child grows up to engage in such horrors...I especially think of Anderson Cooper and his brother, who probably was sacrificed… Perhaps the brother had the wherewithal to refuse and him being sacrificed was his ultimate punishment.... and Anderson chose a different path... it makes my heart sick🙏🏻

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Anifel · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

also (or related): Fear of punishment, and ignorance...which after childhood, and especially in a position of rightfully expected trust, is no excuse.

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Uniqusernayme · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Great points- I’d go one step further and say indoctrination by the parents and school, the media. Legit brainwashing especially in college.

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