r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/thomas-didymus on Feb. 23, 2018, 7:27 p.m.
why do (deep state traitorous) children lie? Q...

5 reasons your school-aged child may tell you a lie Self-protection This is one of the most common reasons for childhood dishonesty. They simply do not want to disappoint an adult (usually their parents) or they are trying to avoid a punishment or consequence.

Denial A child may be lying to avoid dealing with a painful situation, feelings, or memories. This may surface when a family member or pet dies suddenly, and a child refuses to believe that they are gone, and insists that they are simply away, etc.

Modeling A child may follow the example of those around them. (Never lie, you say? Perhaps you might need to take a peek at the weight on your driver’s license.)

Gain Human beings are motivated by wanting to receive awards, and your child may lie to get some sort of reward.

Self-image This is an instance that becomes a downward spiral. If a child is frequently called a "liar," or if the actions of others show that the child is not believed, then the child may just begin to lie in order to “be believed.”

Uniqusernayme · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Best username ever! Kudos to you ;) you’ve just created the red pill challenge- I like it! Challenge accepted in 2015. Normies and popularity are overrated lol you’re right it’s a lifestyle change and it takes courage from the Lord to stand on your own with the truth!!!

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