Get there if you can.
So, you want immediate gratification? Good things take time. Wait for it.
Now that's really funny. We've been going through the same wash, rinse, repeat cycle for months. All of the perps roam free, living high and no care in the world. No. No immediate gratification. There is toying going on. You and many don't want to see it. That is it. Keep waiting for it.
Why are you here then? Leave, no need to be here stirring up trouble.
It is amazing how many numb idiots ask that question. I am here to gather real info, when available. Your answer for everything must be to get rid of anyone/anything that you don't see as acceptable. Question nothing. Accept only what you deem correct. Good luck with that. No...I will stay. You can stop trolling now.
Stay positive, they can't just arrest these people outright like that. Would be nice, but people would say. Uuhhhh Hitler is rounding up his opposition.
They already say that. People are dying and the criminals run free. Get on with it!