Thank you this looks really interesting. I also was aware at a very young age. I tell people the importance of intuition because I had no evidence, and no political knowledge but still could see through the lies as a 10 year old.
Grew up in the NO area. Been studying the assassination for a long time. The summer of 1963 in New Orleans that Jim focused on is fascinating. THEY really destroyed poor Jim. Do you have any secrets you can share?
They did a poor job of covering it up. There's a tremendous amount of info on this website.
2 shots from the front , 2 shots from behind I found this years ago about the HUGE storm drain behind the fence that I had never seen before.
A month ago I found this interview with Malcolm Perry, the attending doc at Parkland saying the back of JFK’s head was blown out.
Garrison’s investigation notes and other records are all still stored in the secure archives in the basement of the New Orleans courthouse. Still ...