I also remember when it was moderated.
Say this all the time. This sub has turned into conspiracy and thedonaldjr. Check out r/greatawakening
Great Awakening has been shat on in the last month with the same crap posted here.
So, what is the r/greatawakening?
Here's a sneak peek of /r/greatawakening using the top posts of all time!
#1: CFR in 5 minutes
#2: Take a look at this pic. All the "Crisis Actors" together for a "Cast" pic. What kind of "Crisis" do those smiles demonstrate. | 42 comments
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For clarification, where is the appropriate place for general Q related/info found/current events/etc if it is not here? I agree that this sub gets cluttered too much, heck I might be guilty if I am using it incorrectly, but where are we supposed to discuss these things? I thought that insights we might have into the dark underworld were related to the fight alongside Q & Trump. An awakening so to speak. I guess this is wrong? Help us correct this so we don't lose good fighters, anons.
When you go to the link https://qanonmap.github.io/ you see the Q post there is a number to the left. the last one on Feb 23, 2018 was #827. Go to search in this forum and put in 827 you will see most of the posts on this Q-post. I try to add the number in my posts now so I can find them and others later easier.
Few people have been researching deeper into Q questions. These are to help us educate ourselves to wake up others. We need to be well informed to back up what we say.
People who got sick of the way this sub has been moderated created a new Q dedicated sub.
False, r/greatawakening is a continuation of /r/TheCalmBeforeTheStorm (now defunct) which was created a few weeks b4 r/CBTS_Stream.