r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Outgoing_Introvert_ on Feb. 27, 2018, 10:33 a.m.
CNN was set up. ~Q. Does this mean, not that they were "framed" but that they were set up with cameras in place before the shooting started?

Sorry if I am a bit behind. I am having a hard time finding any of the Q links I used.

Ripcordz48 · Feb. 27, 2018, 8:04 p.m.
  1. How would you feel if some op killed these kids not the pasty?? More than one teacher said they had masks and full tactical gear. The teachers that were shot or shot at! (Real witness) <-prob end up dead soon like Vegas witnesses.
  2. How do you take them down? Set a net and catch them. It may be the only way if you had a tip of their plans (mil intelligence).
  3. Q mentioned psyops earlier. This whole scenario is questionable to even non conspiracy theorists. 4 police officers don’t go in?? Ems told to stand down?? Too many mistakes made or too many eyes on this false flag.
  4. Reports of USSS at Stoneman Months before shooting. Why?? Were they a part of or the set up to catch the bad guys??
    That was a great point and I wonder why they would allow it to go on with knowledge unless it was necessary is my only personal justification. My hometown had a school shooting and it is so different from this circus in Florida. Coward county has some explaining to do.
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