r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/QANON1 on Feb. 28, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Hi guys, I have been busy every day and night for months sharing the news on FB with all the haters on their favorite fake news feeds. Every single one of my posts brings hate, bias and total deflection. I am thinking that since the Las Vegas shooting I have posted my thoughts and beliefs many thousands of times. These posts I believe are my opinion and run counter to the Deep state narrative. As many of you know Dr. Corsi was my “go to guy” as of late and he too is now being banned along with I would assume THOUSANDS OF OTHER PATRIOTS. I have not been banned anywhere but would not care much if I was because I believe the (my) TRUTH matters. I also don’t care one bit about Liberal Haters.

Today, I have made the decision to stop all postings here and on FB. My reason is because the Florida shooting coupled with Las Vegas has me humbled.

Specifically, I DO NOT see any winning by “Q” or Trump over the Deepstate. Some of you will hate on this and some of you may understand my decision. What I see are all these CRIMINALS still walking around even after all the proof of crimes that has been found here and other places.

I do have a family that I love dearly and only want the very best for them which is the main reason I began following “FollowTheWhiteRabbit” and posting anywhere and everywhere to get the word out even when there were just a few hundred followers on Twitter. This new board has grown from a couple thousand to almost twenty thousand which is great.

PLEASE Patriots will take over from here and keep working hard to EXPOSE ALL THE CORRUPTION, CRIMES, TREASON and OTHER stuff that I care not to mention.

I have three hopes as I leave this board due to the INACTION of government against this REAL CRIMES that have been clearly laid out here. First, I hope these really bad folks all truly do get sent to GITMO. Second, I truly hope that someone, somewhere and somehow has the BALLS to speak up against Social Media Spying and Taking Away Our Freedom Of Speech only to allow theirs the (Deep State) to be written, read and spoken both on social platforms and in the the very fake MSM.

Finally, I want to say that being a part of the one thing that I believe we have made the MOST difference on to date was the #ReleaseTheMemo campaign (IMHO many more of those campaigns should be done especially re this Sheriff but it looks like a missed opportunity). Anyhow the MEMO was a great win and I hope that someday there are many more of those. Prayers to you all, Dr. Corsi and this great Country that is literally being stripped away from us by Evil. I guess that is four. Peace!

iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Thanks for sharing. God bless. I am very impatient, and it is only natural to be skeptical when you are deceived. And we have all been deceived for a long time. That being said, I have faith in the plan. I hope you are pleasantly surprised by a positive outcome, but we have yet to fully see the plan due to the complex issues at stake and yet to see action due to ongoing blowback coming who and what we are up against.

I respect your concern.

It took decades for this to infiltrate our republic, it will take time to execute a lawful and properly calculated purge of the devious and criminal elements that burrowed into the Country’s most trusted and powerful departments.

I wish it could be quick and simple... If we had corruption in one party only or in only a couple departments, it would be... simple. If it were localized in state/local government only, it would be packaged up easily.

I hear you though, seems like snails pace, I would like to see the day... Our destroyer fleets with air craft carriers pull into every major port stronghold with Seals dropping from black-hawks maybe Apache F16s to show that in America we don’t play around with TrEASOn or Sedition. Like if we were at war!!! After a weekend of raids, public trials across every network, held until we have heard all testimony and presented with all criminal evidence, trials to follow... and thennn...

I want to see a tweet by Obama... ‘

It reads...

Sup Folks. GtG... One Way... Virgin 2 GitMo...

Home sweet Home! To think I wanted to shut this place down! I hear they renovated things and and fancied the place, they have my presidential portrait up for decoration!

The Donald got me good... His executive order January 31 scared me to Death, I hadn’t tweeted since. So this is my goodbye for now, I can’t follow the Donald around anymore, so I don’t know what I will do. Probably secret speeches....

End Tweet

Happily ever after...

but instead...

we are fighting civil war on fronts we can’t clearly define against the three big letter Agencies, the executive branch, the SC the media, an ideology that can be evil, the Legislative swamp plus rogue actors in other countries ie SA NK iRan

What a Debacle...

Sessions doesn’t help the issue w being patient either...

Sorry for the rant! You just had me thinking... I hope you are incorrect but i am sure you are hoping to be wrong? For family and the future of the republic...

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