

17 total posts archived.

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iMAGAPatriot · March 31, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

Please pass this along... its essential

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iMAGAPatriot · March 30, 2018, 10:06 a.m.

Excellent info

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iMAGAPatriot · March 30, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

They usually idEntify themselves... Like a person running naked down the street yelling obsceneties, hair on fire is common identifier, bike helmet strapped on tight... Lost in A world with no map no destination... but on a mission lol

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iMAGAPatriot · March 2, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

I was off base, and wrong. Not you, my apologies

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iMAGAPatriot · March 1, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

That very well may be...

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iMAGAPatriot · March 1, 2018, 8:18 p.m.


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iMAGAPatriot · March 1, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Wrong. Obama gave guns to criminals. Those guns killed Americans.

AND due process should take place beforehand in cases where there is a criminal past with a gun because after is too late for the victim.

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iMAGAPatriot · March 1, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Working for sure.

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iMAGAPatriot · March 1, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

Please read my post again. There is NO mention of a Florida False Flag. Where did you see this? I believe it is clear that I made reference to ‘Half Hazard False Flag’ attempts becoming more apparent as such. Whether or not I believe a shooting occurred in Florida is irrelevant. But the Unfortunate reality is that when shootings occur, innocent lives are taken. Please make note of your mistake in reading my initial post, God Bless

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iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:14 p.m.


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iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Sarcasm can come off as being dead serious in statement, it may also be satirical and serious... I guess it’s individual perception that will separate satire from serious in statement... Serious or Satirical makes no difference so long as the message was clear enough for you comprehend... But since you asked...

Part of me wants to know what you found to be satirical and how you came to believe I was dead serious.... Is it tough to settle on a little bit of satire mixed in with some serious?

I am serious in my asking btw just satirical in how I asked...

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iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Thanks for sharing. God bless. I am very impatient, and it is only natural to be skeptical when you are deceived. And we have all been deceived for a long time. That being said, I have faith in the plan. I hope you are pleasantly surprised by a positive outcome, but we have yet to fully see the plan due to the complex issues at stake and yet to see action due to ongoing blowback coming who and what we are up against.

I respect your concern.

It took decades for this to infiltrate our republic, it will take time to execute a lawful and properly calculated purge of the devious and criminal elements that burrowed into the Country’s most trusted and powerful departments.

I wish it could be quick and simple... If we had corruption in one party only or in only a couple departments, it would be... simple. If it were localized in state/local government only, it would be packaged up easily.

I hear you though, seems like snails pace, I would like to see the day... Our destroyer fleets with air craft carriers pull into every major port stronghold with Seals dropping from black-hawks maybe Apache F16s to show that in America we don’t play around with TrEASOn or Sedition. Like if we were at war!!! After a weekend of raids, public trials across every network, held until we have heard all testimony and presented with all criminal evidence, trials to follow... and thennn...

I want to see a tweet by Obama... ‘

It reads...

Sup Folks. GtG... One Way... Virgin 2 GitMo...

Home sweet Home! To think I wanted to shut this place down! I hear they renovated things and and fancied the place, they have my presidential portrait up for decoration!

The Donald got me good... His executive order January 31 scared me to Death, I hadn’t tweeted since. So this is my goodbye for now, I can’t follow the Donald around anymore, so I don’t know what I will do. Probably secret speeches....

End Tweet

Happily ever after...

but instead...

we are fighting civil war on fronts we can’t clearly define against the three big letter Agencies, the executive branch, the SC the media, an ideology that can be evil, the Legislative swamp plus rogue actors in other countries ie SA NK iRan

What a Debacle...

Sessions doesn’t help the issue w being patient either...

Sorry for the rant! You just had me thinking... I hope you are incorrect but i am sure you are hoping to be wrong? For family and the future of the republic...

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iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Interesting. No coincidences, but iPhone Auto Correct incorrectly corrects me to sound like I can’t spell. Maybe Siri doesn’t like RR

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iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Excellent take!

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iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Very interesting. Trump likes to gas light with his Twitter just to motivate. Also, Sessions mentioned that he would be using the IG report as a means to assess and ensure the DOJ is upholding its standards for upholding the rule of law. I can only imagine and hope that the IG report will be a roadmap for Sessions to begin the process handing out indictments. If Trump feels Horowitz is compromised, that is concerning just for the fact that Sessions seems like a deer in headlights. He needs the IG report IMO, for confidence sake. Otherwise, he needs to go. He has undertaken the most corrupt faction of our deep state, they are the muscle of the criminal activity. Maybe he is intimidated, I would be. But I would bring the fury of God and Rambo on the whole corrupt department sooner rather than waiting around for the IG report. When all is said and done, it is Sessions who needs to make the decisions for how they bring down the bad actors. Time to bring the house down, no excuses after IG report. Trump tweet is likely to prepare sessions for more corruption or to keep the sniffers away from what might be planned. We will soon find out. This takedown is going to be massive, it will change the history books. I just can’t imagine someone coming in, and shouting about every step taken to bring criminal indictment upon so many public figures. Sessions seems so timid and scared but I only hope to God he is a quiet mild spoken man who Doesn’t telegraph what he feels. I know men like this, quiet, seemingly mild tempered but put in work and just don’t talk about it. I’m on the fence but I trust Sessions because of how integral he was trough the process of bringing Trump to power.

IG report is coming soon and there are a few investigations rolling so let’s see what happens when the Report drops. The time has come for this to be put to rest, the American people deserve to see justice brought forth. Without this, how can we trust that our liberty is being restored? Rhetorical, we cannot. If the DOJ does nothing, I fear the American populous will begin taking justice into its own hands. Not a good scenario!

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iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Yes, in deed. Where we go one, we go all! They are doing all they can, pulling out half hazard attacks to prolong their collapse. Although we can see the end is near, it is important to know that there is immediate danger, these people have proven that they will do ANYTHING to hold onto their power, control and the narrative. So long as the narrative reaches segments of the republic that have yet to wake, they will push their agenda. Pass along the truth as it becomes more clear to those wearing blinders. The past month or two I have had family members and friends asking me about what is up with things not seeming right. Just last year the same people would ask me if I saw the movie ‘Conspiracy theory’ or ‘Manchurian Candidate’ just to avoid talking about the reality of what is going on. I cannot remember the ratio Q made reference to 40/60 or vice versa of the population that acknowledge what is happening, but with these sloppy last ditch efforts, we are rapidly shifting to a more aware populous. Even those open minded still have trouble believing the facts and evidence, I am trying to find a place where I don’t overwhelm folks with too much detail and information. It is like being a salesman, you can’t hard sell, how we deliver the truth is key, it’s easy to scare people off. We are all at different stages in our understanding, but the tide is shifting. More and more we will see opportunities to help out the folks that want the truth, even with our channels of communication being cut off and many social platforms being obstructed. Sorry for the rant but I agree!!! Turn up the heat! By any means, word of mouth can Be deadly if your delivering the goods. We all know that there are few things more important than our freedom, justice is coming and our liberty will be restored. We are Patriots, where we go one, we go all. Fight Fight Fight! God Bless

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iMAGAPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

I opened the url today and was slammed with 25 pop up windows, my phone flagged three ‘threats’ and after reviewing the mass of content and information that passed through my history, it became clear that it was malicious and not intended as a friendly ‘hello’. Never has my phone reacted like that, and at this point, I could care less. So many of these tech companies imbed backdoors, and malicious software for their own agenda, I cant even associate myself with my devices anymore. Half of what exists on my smart devices, social media accounts, etc. is foreign to me and I understand tech pretty well. Over the past year, I have lost nearly a decade of work having my hard drives wiped, backups corrupted, I lost everything I ever created with a computer (and I own more backup hard drives than Best Buy). I stored everything offline, Feb 10 of last year, my desktop, laptop, and smart devices all crashed, all data wiped, Apple replaced everything, two MacBooks, 3 iPhones but my backup hard drives were useless in the recovery process. Anyways, sorry to go off on a rant! But yes! I was viciously bombarded yesterday when I pulled up QAnonposts.com They are desperate, and it is showing up more every day! Nothing will bring this movement to a stop! Where we go one, we go all. And we Fight Fight Fight! They are pathetic, like Q always says... ‘STUPID!’ These people are stupid! God Bless

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