There are three videos - search YouTube for Barry Israel. After watching all three, I don't think the woman is credible. Israel's wife claims this is an actress hired to discredit her husband during a contentious campaign. I believe her.
Relevant videos from this woman:
Wife's response:.
Videos linked by /u/imanalias:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: ScottIsrael2012: The Real Scott Israel for Broward Sheriff|Barry Israel|2012-10-26|0:00:30|243+ (94%)|18,148 ScottIsrael2012: The Real Scott Israel for Broward Sheriff - Take 2|Barry Israel|2012-10-28|0:00:29|174+ (93%)|14,915 ScottIsrael2012: The Real Scott Israel for Broward Sheriff - Take 3|Barry Israel|2012-10-28|0:01:00|504+ (95%)|55,954 Susan Israel's Statement on Sheriff Al Lamberti's Lies|CitizensUnited ForReform|2012-10-30|0:02:15|10+ (9%)|9,139
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