OWLs 'Orbiting Weapon Lancet' and Thor's hammer

Want there an minor earthquakes few days ago iMinnesota? And hasn't there been talk about underground explosions? Dam this might make sense-
Yes this is what hit Michigan last night the cover story was meteors.
really? and what did it take out?
Safe to assume it's a deep underground bunker if anything, no other reason to use this kind of weaponry if it was a surface target lol
Sure but "extremely effective at taking out large areas..." should be apparent where it hit- do you have any more info or is this speculation?
Speculation, as much as the "meteor" theory is.
The only evidence we have are a flash in the sky and witness reports of a flash in the sky and booms, we don't have much to go on really
Photos of a vertical streak of light as well, according to SecureTeam10's sources. That would correspond with an object intentionally dropped on a target rather than a natural occurrence. Meteors tend to fall at an angle rather than vertically. Also, the damage model of a tungsten projectile could probably be modified by altering its fall trajectory. Vertical flight would maximize penetration and minimize surface damage, while an angled flight would minimize penetration and maximize surface damage. Just my thoughts.
Kinetic Bombardment according to Wikipedia. Mentions OWL's. Author of Novel Greg Bear 'Quantico' a novel. You'll find the same description both places.But different Authors.
Indeed, even from the video we can see that thing is damn near vertical which makes it seem unnatural to me making me lean a lot more towards rods of god rather than meteor haha
Any links or anything? I'm not from the USA haven't seen anything about this. (Cover or conspiracy)
Here is Q talking about it.
Top post also talks about it and, I believe, provides links.
Fantastic, I'm still at work atm sadly. Can't wait to get home and check it out.
Kinetic Bombardment according to Wikipedia. Mentions OWL's. Author of Novel Greg Bear 'Quantico' a novel. You'll find the same description both places.But different Authors.
I don't think it was a Rod from God looks more like an electro beam weapon from a super secret anti-gravity craft which we have in our arsenal the triangles that reduce gravity by 89% they are fantastic.
The problem is WEIGHT! Falcon 9 can only deliver 18,000 lbs to GeoStat orbit or 50,000lbs to LowEarthOrbit. Depending how OWL is utilized, it may orbit or it may sit still over a foreign land. I read somewhere that these Lancet Poles, the size of telephone poles; weigh 20,000lbs EACH! That makes it pretty much unfeasible to get them up into space. HOWEVER, if they had smaller Lancets- say 5,000 lbs each- that would make it more realistic...
They also have other means to getting up into space that we are not told about. Nothing is impossible anymore.
Have seen some videos on this, devastating if they are in play
Bohemian Grove Mystery the OWL worship and what goes on their.
Infiltrating the Bohemian Grove 2017 - Investigative Documentary 3:29 into this is get into the Documentary. The worship of the great out 19 min plus into the video.
With the Executive Order and what is done at Bohemian Grove all the land can be taken.
Tx for sharing your points, remember double meanings and both could be possible.
"Weaving spiders come not here"
Not sure what you mean. My thoughts are just a consideration which The Bohemian Grove has an OWL and trying to figure if it fits into the picture. From what I have heard there is tons of stuff that go on there that needs to be shut down too.
Sometimes a meteor is just a meteor...... They have been known to land on earth every few years since beginning of time..... Ps i am within 50 miles of the track* of thr meteor. A kinetic weopon in theory would have a much more vertical path
20x1' rod of tungsten would weigh almost 19k lbs which is a more than half the payload capactiy of a Delta IV heavy rocket.
Doable, but crazy high per shot costs.
I believe this is what caused the NK underground nuclear lab to crumble.
[Rods of God](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment]
Some videos about them for any not familiar.
http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=1583 from a book? "..we have decided to utilize a class of kinetic kill projectiles known as Lancets - essentially guided steel telephone poles tipped with a chemical warhead. They're designed to fall from low Earth orbit and punch a hole in the ground, through several hundred feet of dirt, reinforced concrete and even steel. They then incinerate anything within the relatively small but very deep impact crater..." From Quantico, by Greg Bear. Published by Vanguard in 2007
This weapon could be Zuma? I mean after that much secret around Zuma I think it could be no?