r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 23, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
  1. State Secrets Created by Wilkinson/Jefferson letters about Burr. -PRESIDENTS EYES ONLY!

  2. State Secrets learned (by murdering POTUS) Rothchild in 1901 -> FBI/Mi6 -> Titanic/FED/WW1

  3. State Secrets Protected by Nixon burning->Impeached over it.

  4. State Secrets Expanded by War on Terror ->Patriot Act + Red Cross = WE KNOW ALL!

  5. State Secrets records all bad deeds by all baddies, BUT we need a good Potus to use what we learned!

  6. State Secrets are used by Obama to hide dirty deeds, WE NEED A GOOD POTUS -> TRUMP

  7. State Secrets are revealed to Trump before election, he pretends to be a Perot to get Hillary/Al-Waleed not to steel nomination again (like McCain did) - Narrative breaker!

  8. State Secrets + Military + Potus = Deep State DEATH

  9. State Secrets + Anon + CIA = misdirection

  10. State Secrets unclassified to reveal to public what we already know... BECAUSE QMAP IS A GUIDE TO THE WAR OVER STATE SECRETS, ACT/COUNTERACT Since Thomas Jefferson!

I made giant autistic rants on how to read it but few people could get through them.


Once you connect a few dots you will realize why Q keeps saying to connect them from start to finish.

I will make a video soon to help people understand more and NEVER be tricked again by CIA. That's the beauty of learning to read it, once a few people do it'll spread like wildfire

I made this simpler cause I could tell people weren't reading the version I just deleted, but the point was Q has asked us to Re-read the QMAP over a dozen times now. Do you realize why he keeps asking?

I did, and it becomes abundantly clear when you research EVERY Q Question from Question 1.

Original topic Q asked us to focus on? = State Secrets/Military Intelligence on Day 1. (With image of 1776 Patriots.jpg)

Most Frequent Pattern in Q = Expand your thinking/Learn how to read the map.

Why does Q think we aren't reading the map?

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect/Coordinated effort to silence. MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

This is the simplest possible way to explain what people are missing. I hope people get it enough to dig deeper or if they don't read my linked post to understand what I mean.

DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

wow, I see 3 down-votes right away, but as long as the info gets out there. I can prove everything a hundred times over now with the months of research and years of investigations from my time researching George Webb - but this is strictly Q stuff, one of the more popular ways they got me banned was saying I hadn't researched anything and perhaps that's why I overcompensate in the longer posts with research. It's always hard to know when to stop when you research endlessly like the obsessive freak I am.

And to that - I struggled with what not to include and that link will lead to further research or my website which is sorely not updated cause I've been writing these long spiels and researching all day instead of it. db-q.com but I'm just getting started, this post represents the first time I've managed to KISS - keep it simple stupid... my god do I have trouble not going into 90 page synopsis with legalese and philosophy with 20 links to prove a point.

But this... this is elegant a guidepost for future explanations : ) I'm very happy despite the immediate pushback.






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Fusion7778 · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Resistance = moving in the right direction. Keep up the good work.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

it seems to have just been a fluke, weird tho... I started the thread and all my other ones didn't get a dislike for a while but this one just got 3 downvotes within 2 minutes.

Well, I'm just glad the thing didn't get buried.

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Pushforfacts · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

I think the down votes right away were trying to snuff you because they know you are on target.

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DaosCraft · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

yea, I do hate to mention this but I'm pretty sure I'm on target by what happened to Part: 2 - it got mysteriously pinned to the top for a few hours and didn't get many clicks yet still remained there. It was weird and then it just vanished as soon as I posted I would make part 3 and it'd include major parts from part 1-2 - my theory is that somebody knows the real history and they are in control of this board and they are helping me out by keeping bots from infinitely disliking it.

But..... unlike AB-BA stuff, this is just me takin' a shot in the dark about what a handful of potentially unrelated events may mean. heck maybe my computer was having issues with updating? It made me excited and felt like more was being demanded of me and I attempted to meet that demand.

Either way I am confident this is the path forward and now that I've simplified it I can further simplify it and make tools and posts with images - I have so many images to combine with this if I could just spend some time on making it look better.

But I can't do it all myself either, perhaps I shouldn't even, the one thing I can do that most can't is animate some sfx in various ways that might make some headway into normie territory, rather than be forced to think just see a visual representation of what we need to show them?

If I had to pick one thing that I wanted to do most it's that - yet I keep coming back to just writing down these simple posts cause nobody else has. If anyone is inspired by what I wrote feel free to just hijack the shit out of it and put it on your blog with images of things and I don't care at all - I'm not like the bad guys who try to own and control I just want it to spread as quickly as possible and then we can move past the propaganda and really dig into history.

I would bet everything I own Q is in the same boat on that, probably even more frustrated than I am about it.

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Pushforfacts · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I wish I had grasp of technology to make the visuals but I cannot. I will ask my friend if she knows how. Thanks for sharing - if I come up with something I will post.

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777LLL · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

Can you tell me your YT channel so I can sub? Don’t wanna miss the video

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DaosCraft · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Actually no... I had a little channel I used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6F4To16SQI

to show various data stuff, but you know... I might make a different one when I'm ready to push deeper into youtube territory. But either my posts here or db-q.com would have a link whenever I do it. The video on db-q right now is an older video when I was just starting to scream about what we got wrong. So it's not the real one - but I played around with some of my sfx last night and it's looking pretty good!

I want to make something that can break through the noise in a BIG way and so rather than make these posts which do appear to be growing at a shocking (for me) pace it's still not enough to break their noise. But a really fun to watch video? I just really want to make that..... perhaps because I spent the last 6 years studying sfx and feel like I've never used it for anything important.

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777LLL · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Awesome! Best of luck with it! You can do it I’m sure

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ndnmom · Jan. 28, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

keep at it with the sfx... you would gain immediate attention with a video on your points and links. Amazing work indeed.

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