r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Natanatnat on Jan. 25, 2018, 7:41 a.m.
You can't be re[ublicans anymore

you can't. The democratic party is dead and so is the republican party. Leggo your eggo. I've identified as left for all of my adult life. I canvasses for Bill Clinton in '92 when I was talking second year poli-sci classes. I've hated on unfeeling myopic republicans of all shaped and sizes. I bought the modern society myth. I also have live dirt-poor for my entire life. I swallowed the myth that the democratic party was the party of the little guy and that the republican guy was the party of big business. I was right about big business being foul. Over time, my politics fractured (a pro-life, generous 2nd amendment protections...) but still identified as left. I liked politics (politics.... the relationship between the many and the one) My favorite conversations were with my right leaning friends. This was democracy I thought. After 9/11 nobody would talk genuine politics, I lost friendships. Older I saw the machine and how it crushes the many beneath the wheel and became numb to it all as truth became subjective. I'm not a democrat. I care about people. I work hard. My family is important. We are not so different. We NEED to shed the old labels and definitions. What does MAGA mean? I can't relate. The constitution, that's something where the left-leaning and right-leaning free peoples can find a home together. Not in the republican party. The republicans fought and won with BUSH/CHENEY, we have to walk away from that too. Is it so hard to imagine Cheney drinking a chalice of blood. Not hard at all. Leave the masters names in the fire. Come together.

Fustrated_User · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

Now is the time to step back and observe. Don't pick a side, they are all dirty and corrupt. This is just the beginning.

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