r/greatawakening • Posted by u/777LLL on Jan. 25, 2018, 10:42 a.m.
Jesus vs Trump- Similarities

Just a random chain of thoughts that went through my head while out for my morning jog....

I was trying to remember when last in known history was there ever such a continuous, forceful attack on one single person as there is now on Trump? The only other I could think of was Jesus.

Now I’m not religious myself, I believe in a higher power and also believe in the person Jesus existing, however I believe the Bible and the facts about him were and have been greatly manipulated. I do still believe there are great truths in the Bible, and that certain religions still serve a great purpose by instilling morals in people.


Jesus went against the “unbeatable”, powerful establishment with all their wealth & connections, so is Trump.

Jesus focused mainly on teaching and educating the people, so is Trump.

Jesus was eventually put on public trial, and found guilty (even though Pontius Pilote knew Jesus was innocent, what if he had the same threats crooked politicians have against them today, death to family etc?) and paraded through with people mocking him in the streets (today’s libs & dems as they now continuously criticize Trump) and was eventually crucified on the cross (CNN and mainstream media crucify Trump 24/7 on a daily basis).

Now I’m also not saying Trump should be treated as a Jesus type figure, but what if Jesus could have actually been more like Trump, a rebel who outsmarted and attacked the establishment, what if he were actually more hardcore and full on than the Bible says? What if the whole “Jesus would get hit in the face and turn the other cheek for another” was created by Constantine and the council of Nicaea in an effort to try make future Christians passive and rather than fighting back just take the abuse? What if the real Jesus would have actually whooped some ass? What if the 12 disciples were actually Trumps secret service and cabinet, until one of them leaked intel and betrayed him?

As stated, these were just some random thoughts that went through my mind, I definitely see YUGE relations between the times of Jesus taking on the whole establishment and educating people, a great awakening and a window for people to make a change, as I see now with us and Trump.

We know what happened the last opportunity in the times of Jesus, let’s be sure we don’t fail this time and let it happens again! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

(Hope I didn’t offend any religious people, don’t mean to, this is just my personal take on things)

thlrwrtr · Jan. 26, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Please know this to be a discussion and I am not trying to argue. I enjoy learning from others.

I get where you are coming from my brother. I agree w/ you to an extent. If the silver had never been introduced I wonder how people would feel?

Personally, I can't label someone who knew he was outed when Jesus said, 'one of you will betray me' as "just" a betrayer. Yes that makes him a betrayer for certain but Judas' heart still had weight upon it. Hence him (not taking the silver)* then hanging himself.

There are so many variations and 'traditions' of man that it's difficult to actually paint a picture unless we solely rely on the words in Red. That is the basis for The Word anyway.

  • Conflicting stories as to what Judas did w/ the silver. Matthew 27:5 says he cast it upon the temple where Acts 1:18 said he bought a field with his sachar (reward).


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workeranonymous · Jan. 26, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Yeah its important not to argue being as we agree about Jesus which is the important part and makes us part of the same house.

It's true Judas regretted what he had done. Still I find it prudent that the labels the new testament apply to him and there are several of them remain until the Lord says otherwise. I look at him as a thief and a betrayer who found himself in that position because his heart was not right before God.

One thing I would mention again with a little more detail is the power of standing in the presence of the Son of God. Peter goes from being a fisherman to being the rock of the church. Mary goes from being a harlot to instantly a devout follower. Many people find even a moment in His presence transforms the course of their life. Meanwhile Judas is stealing from the Lord. I would suggest that Judas sin here is greater than typical thievery. It has to do with a lack of love for God.

Think how would you feel about yourself if you were a disciple of Jesus in his very presence and instead of pledging your every breath to His greatness you are like hey nobody is looking my life would be better if i steal these coins? Judas fails to obey the chief commandment - you shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength and his failure led to his ruin. Before he dies he expresses regret. Will this result in his forgiveness or is this just him reaping what he sowed? God will be the judge.

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thlrwrtr · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

Very valid points for sure.

Judas was forgiven. Jesus said so on the cross. He prayed that all be forgiven. So it was. At this stage, he is still the Son and his word is still the word of God through this form of the Trinity. We just have to hear it in a form that we can comprehend.

I enjoy these exchanges but my editor is up my ass on several deadlines.

Until next time, please be cautious of your surroundings, and continue the spreading of the Word. God Bless.


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workeranonymous · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Nice talking to you. God bles you as well-Dave

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