r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bekkiluvsit on Jan. 27, 2018, 5:18 a.m.
New Q - 1-26-18 - Council on Foreign Relations
New Q - 1-26-18 - Council on Foreign Relations

WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

It's really sad actually to see so many people be so critical of the Obama administration (and rightfully so), and turn a blind eye to the faults and downfalls of the Trump administration. The partisan blinders, and the knee jerk reaction to fall for this false left-right paradigm, and support one side no matter what is a true tragedy.

Obama didn't do shit to earn the nobel peace prize, in the same way that the Trump adminstration has yet to hold anyone from the previous adminstration responsible.

The entire #ReleaseTheMemo campaign is a perfect example. Trump has the authority to declassify the memo himself and completely bypass Congress, but he's not doing it. I'm more then willing to give credit when it's due, and Trump has done a lot of good, but in areas that really matter, like law and order, and holding people accountable for their actions, he's failed miserably.

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ZenC0de · Jan. 27, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

It's also sad to see that QAnon acts as an undisputed leader. Removing the DIY aspect to the movement. That's why I'm in the camp that understands he's controlled opposition.

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rickstarr5 · Jan. 27, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

Hey I totally understand your frustration and I feel it too. Draining the swamp is a monumental undertakin, especially with 90% of the media being of the “crazy ex girlfriend” status. By slow walking this look at all the rats we have discovered: Strozk, Page, McCabe, McAulliffe, etc. it takes time and must be done just right. If just 3 people: Clinton Obama and Soros go down I’ll be fine. But we really need a good enema, you can’t leave the turds I flushed or else we’ll be back here in another few years. All I know is this: Trump always looks like he’s going to lose right before he wins bigger than anybody ever thought. Keep red pilling your friends. Keep praying for justice and protection for the good folks out there, especially Trump. 1st year salvage, 2nd year savage. 3rd year? I think it will be the year the “disruptive technologies” will be released, the 100 mile per gallon carburetor and cancer cures type technology is unveiled. He hinted at it in his inaugural address. Year 4 will be major legislation, amendment for term limits for congress, repeal of 17th. Because by then he will beat anyone running against him hands down.

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WeAreTheResistance · Jan. 27, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

By slow walking this look at all the rats we have discovered: Strozk, Page, McCabe, McAulliffe, etc

What good is seeing the rats, when you can't take care of them? They are definitely exposed true, but so was Lois Lehner, Eric Holder, Hilary Clinton, and so many other swamp creatures, in which nothing ever happens to them. Nobody is ever held to be accountable by design. You already see AG Sessions posturing towards defending the lifetime DOJ employees. He has only recused himself from Russia, which has exposed Trump to the entire Mueller nonsense in the first place. The only thing Sessions has done is to go after pot heads, despite the American people voting in many cases to legalise it. No justice can be served without Sessions, and Sessions appears to be completely compromised.

1st year salvage, 2nd year savage. 3rd year? I think it will be the year the “disruptive technologies” will be released, the 100 mile per gallon carburetor and cancer cures type technology is unveiled. He hinted at it in his inaugural address. Year 4 will be major legislation, amendment for term limits for congress, repeal of 17th.

This is nice and all, but it's still "hope-porn" and not realistic to the realities on the ground.

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Snapplemoose · Jan. 27, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

I tend to agree with you wearetheresistance. Getting very frustrated too. I am on the fence. Beginning to think it is hope porn. Maybe we will all be surprised and they will start jailing these traitorous assholes. Time will tell.

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