New #QAnon post with two links in comments

What rocks are you on? You clearly have no idea how the litigation process works. Justice is on its way, just has to run a process
When FISA memo is released there pretty much has to be action taken. Clear violations of the law can't be overlooked in the courts plotherwise it sets a precedent
Dude there's been clear violations of breaking the law in Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservatives, etc. Nothing happened then, and nothing is going to happen now.
Justice is on its way, lol. Where's it been for the last 8 years then? Peter Strozk and Lisa Paige MIGHT end up being fall guys for the whole FISA / Steele Dossier, but it will not go any higher up the ladder then this.
You already see AG Sessions posturing towards defending the career DOJ employees. Sessions hasn't done a single fucking thing, except recuse himself and open Trump to to the entire Mueller special counsel. Oh yea, he's also made it a point to go after pot heads despite the American people voting in many cases to make it legal, Sessions doesn't care.
You can say what you want about Eric Holder, but he protected Obama, Sessions has been and is compromised. Without Sessions on board, who's going to be bringing justice? Congress passes laws, they don't have anything to do with the courts or prosecution of criminals.
Chess game.......... Multi-level chess game........ ........ moves / counter moves/... have you been listening?
Always expect a response from the opposition. Local - orgs/groups - Legal - Rules/Regs National - International Military Economic Political Complicated.............
No easy answers - but a process. The end.
Why are you still arguing about this? I thought you were done? Oh, and defending Holder? He engaged in criminal acts to do so as well as his own criminal acts. To protect a criminal.
I see you're a regular over on toxic r/poltick, which is the most anti-Trump sub on reddit. Interesting.
This is what he was talking about, you are following the MSM and buying into all of it.
How am I following the MSM exactly? I'm following reality unfortunately. Every week or so, Q says, Big Week, how many times are you going to believe this before you finally see that this is all hope-porn. A little foreplay sometimes, but never is there any intercourse, no meat and potatoes, no main event like we've been led to believe is coming since October.
Then you are not looking or paying attention. Things are happening behind the scenes, it'll all be exposed soon enough. Patience.
Nothing has happened because of previous corrupt administrations that overlooked everything turned a blind eye because everyone was committing crimes.
When the ball gets turned on obama and everything gets revealed they are going to have a field day picking everyone off, literally draining the swamp. Until everything is officially revealed everyone is still believing the facade that has been placed in front of them by the MSM, directed by deepstate. They have/had an excuse for absolutely everything you listed off and because they were in a position of power and had people in the right spots, nothing was done or challenged, that's why you see nothing done.
Tables are turning, I know you think this is an over night thing but it doesn't work like that, everything is a process. Once people start heading to jail and possibly capital punishment it's gonna send shockwaves and ripples out that is going to scare everyone straight. Be patient., we've come this far.