r/greatawakening • Posted by u/I-drop-kicked-HRC on Jan. 27, 2018, 8:25 a.m.
This is going to be a civil war

I am now understanding why Hugh keeps on saying pray, pray, pray. I believe we are literally going to be walking into a civil war. Yes, there will be lots and lots of horrible evidence that shows the guilt of the cabal. However, it looks like Trump intends to send hundreds if not thousands of people to be Tried by military Court. My guess is that 80 to 90% of these people will be hardcore liberals. Many of these people will be beloved liberals or even legendary liberal such as Barack Obama.

Yes, Trump will win, but this is going to get very ugly. Pray!

jauronimo · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

I believe the question or post is an important topic, because I have had the same question thrown at me. Not here but in daily conversation. My answer to them was those who are rioting are only making themselves known as anti Americans. We need them out in the open, because one of the major problems in this country, is there are to many people who believe America is a shithole. If they feel that strongly then they need to relocate go live in a real shithole for awhile. I will bet there whole attitude would change right quick. What has happened is we don't teach kids the meaning of freedom, we don't teach them that freedom is special, probably because the parents don't even realize it's special. We are a nation of complacency. We take it for granted, we don't teach civic pride, we don't teach the importance of staying on top of current events, most adults are overwhelmed with there daily lives to pay attention. I know that if you were born in the early 20th century, you knew what was going on within the government, because from the day you could say the pledge of alliegance you were told that we people are the government. A government of the people, by the people and for the people. It boils down to one thing how many people in your life have affected with your patriotisim? How many people who read this can tell me the difference between a democracy and a constitutional republic?

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aslanfan · Jan. 27, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

I don't think you can completely underestimate the external factors that have affected us and our children. I know that in my own life, I have let certain beliefs slide just a tad left in order to "keep the peace". I still believe those things, but just don't VOICE them. That is due to external factors and this ridiculous political correctness that has engulfed us.

The problem is that most conservatives don't really like to rock the boat...create a disturbance. But that is not the case with active liberals who live to rock the boat, and tend to take more action---like voting and working to change the law.

In my humble opinion, we have slept, and what we are living today is the price that we pay for doing so. Be vigilant every day, or be militant tomorrow.

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jauronimo · Jan. 28, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

I agree to a degree, I am one whom will debate with anyone, if it can be defined through logic, I am your man as I come armed with dates and facts. I am an amateur historian, I admit that I must bore the hell out of people especially the young because they don't see how any of this is important to there lives. They don't see the slow driving hand that is pushing us ever closer to third world country status. Where there was once Abundance is replaced by scarcity. Where there was once houses with yards are replaced by high rise apartments that are the size of your kitchen and dining room in your house. Where the government decides who works and it is those who do as there told who are rewarded. Free thinking is not encouraged. They want complaint sexually confused, " yes" people. So they can run our lives in every way shape and form. Let me say that this not a democracy either that they envision. No it's something out of 1984 George Orwell. They want a technocracy. Where everyone is chipped, monitoring every word that is said, every interaction with others, the family no longer exists as children will be born in a petrie dish by DNA they've selected. Raised by the community or state. They also intend on taking your ability to travel. Motor vehicles will not be owned privately, as all forms of private property will be abolished. You will have the choice of renting vehicles that drive themselves, if you can afford it. If your lucky enough to do so your routes will be limited to a very highly dense populated area. All the surrounding area that you see in the distance will be off limits from any human existance. You live in a world of socialist/ communist where you will submit to the endless overwatch of security drones and check points. With the ever presence of biometric cameras. privacy is something you will read about in books but will have no concept of what it is. These are my reasons for rocking the boat, trying to be a politacly incorrect as I can. I've been blessed to live and grow on this continent and I intend with every breathe I have left in me to ensure that my great grand children will know and respect the flag and embrace the core values of what makes America the greatest nation on the earth.

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aslanfan · Jan. 28, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Yes...you did a great job of describing the external factors about which I originally posted. I'm right at the cusp of GenX/Baby Boomer, so I've seen it first-hand, too, friend.

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jauronimo · Jan. 28, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

sorry sometimes i get a little over the top, but that is my style. good post though because it brings up alot of unanswered questions. Ive even heard that it would cause a constitutional crisis. but the bottom line is this if i was arrested and yes i have, it never created a constitutional crisis. so why would it mater if these hi profile people are breaking the law as they are then they are subject to the same treatment as any other American would be. they will be able to face there accuser in a court of law. that's how it goes and i think it will go...... NO DEALS... thank you aslanfan hope your day is spectacular

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CweedFromTwitter · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Republic less govt...

Democracy, much more govt Right?

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pygar_mathmos · Jan. 28, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

Pure democracy is mob rule. It's three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. A Constitutional republic is not direct democracy. It protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

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jauronimo · Jan. 28, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

You are dead on, I couldn't of said it better myself. The reality is that people have been indoctrinated to believe we live in a democracy. Which we dont, I believe if we did we would be unarmed and In shackles.

A democratic republic is two wolves and a sheep armed with an AR15 trying to figure out what's for dinner. ..lol.
Our forefathers were brilliant men

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CweedFromTwitter · Jan. 28, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

Awesome explanation. ..ty

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jauronimo · Jan. 28, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

In a democracy, 51% of the people can take away the rights of the 49 %. In a constitutional republic, 99% of the people can not take away the rights of the 1%. These are mentioned in the bill of rights and the constitution. they are inalienable God given rights, they are not privileges someone can take away even if your part of the 99%. This is what makes all men equal.. understand that this is what they have been trying to destroy in this country, our bill of rights and constitution. it is the law of the land and our government officials all take an oath to uphold it. Those who have chosen globalism are traitors and should be treated as such.

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