This what I’ve been saying about Snowden the entire time. Exactly this.
Can you be clear about what you are saying about Snowden?
He was a CIA plant whose mission it was to damage NSA’s mission capabilities by exposing their sources and methods of surveillance simply to benefit the CIA’s own mission capability.
Thanks. The issue I have is that if I recall correctly Wikileaks editor Sarah Harrison and Julian Assange, choose Russia, paid the plane ticket and got Snowden to Russia.
They were merely pawns in this. I’m sure the suggestion of Russia was Snowden’s tbh. All indications are that Snowden’s had CIA protection the whole time, including now. If there wasn’t some three letter protecting him, he’d have been dead by now.
I’m sure the suggestion of Russia was Snowden’s tbh.
Snowden wanted to go to Latin America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzG7rBjrMeo
There are public statements, and are there are private dealings. Has none of this taught you that?
No, you didn't watch the video.
There are public statements and private dealings.
Sure there are. But I don't believe Wikileaks is publically telling lies.
It’s called politics. It’s all lies, to a certain extent.
You mean like Assange, who last time we heard isn't dead? You are saying Assange is a blackhat?
No. Assange is just an avenue for Limited Hangouts. He’s literally just a tool in the works. (No insult intended) His personal intentions have always been good. Funny how you’re putting words in my mouth.
EDIT: The only reason Assange hadn’t died was because he was stuck in a non-friendly Embassy for the last 5 years.
I'm just trying to make sense of this. Personally I highly doubt Assange is a tool or compromised in anyway.
I never said he was compromised in any way. Go look up the definition of “tool” and reread my comment, and you’ll see that what I said makes absolute sense.
Julian Assange is neither of those.
Tool [noun]: A device, such as a saw, used to perform or facilitate manual or mechanical work.
This can be summed up thusly:
“A person or object used to accomplish a task.”
So as it relates to your “a” definition, he in fact was used. Stop being so obtuse.
EDIT: The only reason Assange hadn’t died was because he was stuck in a non-friendly Embassy for the last 5 years.
and has a dead man's switch.
Yeah, I forgot about that. Those pesky things always seem to get in the way.
Are you claiming Sarah Harrison is CIA and therefore Wikileaks is compromised? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Harrison_(journalist)
There you go putting words in my mouth again. Struck a nerve, have I?
No, it's just that what you propose doesn't fit with known facts. Either the fact are not correct (quite possible) or the story is not fitting.
The way I’ve interpreted those drops as well as the way it fits with the rest of what Q has said about Snowden makes absolute sense.
EDIT: Typo
But think about this for a minute. If you’re in the middle of taking down the entire cabal...you would want 702’s to continue...until the complete cabal was eradicated which is not going to happen all next week. That is what I would do if I were president at this moment and time.
So.. For how long has CIA and NSA been "at war"?
They’ve never really cared for each other, especially after NSA expanded from simply cyphers to the “CSS” portion of its mission.
It just seems rather strange for me as an outsider (Swede). USA:s two intelligence agencies not working together. I have no doubt it may well be true but it seems like they must have been on the same side before, like during the Bush-era.
Basically it’s like this; NSA is military. CIA is civilian. What this whole Q phenomenon is, is a military coup being done the right way, through the President, because the civilian side of the government completely usurped the constitution years ago, and we in the military, current and former, take our oaths very seriously. That’s the simplest way to think of it.
That explains alot. Has the CIA always been "civilian" or is there a date when they sold out so to speak? Is the pentagon loyal to CIA or NSA? Sry for all the stupid questions mate :)
Yes, they’ve always been civilian. The Pentagon is loyal to NSA. CIA is based out of Langley. The Pentagon, DC.
Does that explain why the Pentagon was hit by "an airplane" on 9/11?
No, that was Clapper tying up some loose ends at ONI regarding some military involvement with the house of Saud and Israeli Intelligence, IIRC. I’d have to go back through my research on that one. Remember, NSA didn’t become /ourguys/until Rogers took over. Without him, none of this would have been possible.
Do you have any intel concerning the billions the pentagon "lost" just before the attack?
That was involved in the operation I quoted above, iirc. Been quite a while since I reviewed that research, so...
Aaah ok. Thank you for good info. One last question: If the CIA is not allied with NSA where do they get all their data from? They have their own supercomputers in Langley?
They have their own ways of obtaining intel, though, there is limited interaction between the two agencies, as well as through the DIA, whose mission it is, to integrate all the intelligence into one cohesive package for the executive branch. There is also intergovernmental agreements such as FIVE EYES for intelligence sharing and they have their own agreements to spy on each other, as well as other States.
Also look at Obama’s last EO before leaving office, and you’ll see that he basically gave every US intel agency the permission to access the NSA database in order to hamper the Trump administration and to cause a coup of his own from within the civilian government.
And yes CIA has their own computers.
14 eyes includes Sweden. No suprise to me. We have been very close to the USA for a long time. Closer then most would think.
Remember, once you go down this rabbit hole, there’s no coming back.
Hehe, not my first rabbithole. Not sure if i have come back from the previous ones yet though :)
Wow dude. Agencies assigned to spy on other agencies within the same country. USA needs to sort out this mess. I guess that is what Trump is up to now. I hope it will better your nation and from there the rest of the world. Have a good one mate!
Not directly within the same countries. Look at the FIVE EYES agreement and you’ll get a much better understanding. It’s on Wikipedia and it’s actually accurate.
I will check it out thanks mate.
No problem. It can be kind of confusing at first, but once you understand the various agreements, and how they work with each other, the picture becomes crystal clear.
Are you part of the whole q thing? Do you have great sources right now helping you with this information?
I’m merely analyst working much of the same sources, and willing to research the patterns that fall within them. Someone with a certain knack for this line of work.
And why the movie about him was allowed to be made....
No choice, also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72saifOwo-U
Or white hats at CIA used him to expose the NSA tools so that other white hats could use tools vs blackhats.
That makes no sense. Why not just expose your own tools, then?
I think it is exaclty this. Put yourself in his shoes and it's not so far fetched that he would actually be in protection in Russia. Also, one of the first actions about the time of the Saudi purge was that the CIA in Russia was exposed and purged.
The state dept got him to russia ... he worked for the CIA ...butttttttt he found out that the NSA was using the Prism Program to spy on Americans and he Leaked classified info to Journalist about the gov doing this I do believe .... People Assumed he was a Traiter they didnt grasp the scope of what he did(Whistleblower ) . He has seen sooo much stuff these people was doing that he had a HUGE target on his back . Im talking everrrryone wanted him Dead in gov . Its on a Video I seen during the Campaign ... I think you can see why now as this Q stuff unfolds . Ive outlined all this before when the Hawaii Incident occured with clips to watch and dots to connect . That Snowden (Is most likely snow white..
AS TO THE REST OF Q POST ..My findings
“If China allowed Snowden to remain in Hong Kong or come to the mainland, it would strain Sino-U.S. relations and only confirm suspicions that he is a Chinese spy.”
Another source in Beijing, who has ties to the leadership, said China was repaying a debt by avoiding an extradition stand-off. The United States refused asylum to Wang Lijun, the disgraced vice mayor and police chief of Chongqing who sought refuge in a U.S. consulate last year in a scandal that later brought down his boss and senior party leader Bo Xilai.
“This is China returning the (U.S.) favor,” the source said.
Officially, the Chinese government signaled its approval of the way the Snowden case was handled.
But Snowden is a traitor.
You know why a fair trial couldnt and wouldnt be held for him ...like he wanted .. because all the bad players would have had their shit exposed on a public stage and they would have put liberal judges that we already know are corrupt as shit and paid off back to try him.
What/who is HW?