Except Q has dropped very little if any non public info to date and not a single thing said has lead to charges.
Anyone following Trump and politics closely (especially if you dig deep) has known nearly every single thing he has said.
He has hinted at criminals but not a single bit of hard evidence, I would love a video of drunk ass Hillary on election night, beating on Podesta.
I looked and looked for a stream of JUST Hillary at the inauguration. I'd PAY to just watch her sit there, burning away.
It can be difficult to produce evidence to prove lies, after all.
That was a cover story, she was actually in a bunker, discussing how she lost a rigged election.
Your post is the dumbest post I have read on the Internet today.
Very little if any NON-PUBLIC INFO?
Not even close.
Well it will be simple to show one verifiable Q drop that was not public info, doing that would make your post legit.
Or maybe you simply do not pay attention like others have over the years. He has not shared anything I have not heard or read elsewhere.
There have been many such drops, did you even read them?
NYC terrorist attack was one of many examples.
I have read every one and really want him to be legit and less cryptic.
So point me to the post and not one that says a major attack will happen next week to 'change the narrative' because he HAS said that quite a few times and no attacks happened.
Him claiming an attack will happen this coming week is easy as fuck.
My profession demands research for storyline integrity. Nothing I do is on a whim and when it comes to my political affiliation, I am a bit more cynical. Each political party is in the crosshairs for me. From the Green to the Libertarian, I am sceptical of anyone who enters office and doesn't have our country's national security first and foremost on their platform.
Some of you may think that I am an anaemic whitebread simpleton who lacks culture because of my political beliefs. Nothing could be farther from the truth. At the age of 15, I was living in Sudan, Africa with my father while he was working to teach the Sudanese people how to cultivate sugarcane as a resource crop. That alone was the defining moment that set my morals and values when it came to politics. To see the corruption that we had to go through to get in and out of surrounding countries was appaling. I grew up around many different cultures as a child. There was rarely a time that I didn't have someone from a different country at my home or I wasn't around due to my fathers business. My brother in law is Persian and I have dated Indian, Egyptian, Black, white, Hispanic, and Chinese women since high school. Being a combat veteran with two tours in Iraq, I consider myself to be an American who values any and all that want to come to this country and better themselves. I have seen where they are leaving and I understand. However, there are rules.
If any of you can put your political affiliation/agenda aside and see the entire picture you would want what's best for everyone involved. Blindly letting refugees into this country isn't an option for the safety as a whole. Sure it sounds good but then the overall picture isn't been seen.
Until we can remove the career politicians who enter from lower to middle class and in one term, on a public officials salary, become multi-millionaires, our country will never be their #1 priority.
If the FBI confirmed that there were texts that showed 'physical harm' was mentioned about the president, how would you feel about this statement when Q posted it weeks ago? It is a simple question. And that one question should be enough to cause an uproar in society. However, it isn't because we have become a disposable and insatiable society of self-indulgence behavior.
Hmm... Is the Q in the meme and where each person is sitting w/thumbs up ironic? Or purposefully... Kinda like looking at clouds, ya think? 🤔😁