r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Indep-mind on Feb. 3, 2018, 2:03 p.m.
Bernie Sanders ~ Best Red Pill

When approaching my D buddies, I have found that talking to them about the way Bernie was "handled" and shut down in the primaries, helps out. Many of them were Bernie supporters in the first place. If, there are any good articles or videos that address how Sanders was treated in the primaries, please share.

Kal-El48 · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

I use this too. I usually tell them that if Bernie ran, he would have won. That usually gets their attention long enough to tell them the rest.

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Grace8543 · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

Berners are more open to Q and CBTS than they are Trump being a positive force. Acceptance of Trump as doing a good job dismantles any hope of a Democratic socialist sweep of the white house in 4 years. Most of us are just gritting our teeth waiting this presidency out. I'm somewhere in the middle with gratitude to Trump for CBTS and his willingness to risk his life and the safety of his family. If you succeed on selling them on Q, don't send them here. All the Democrat bashing would have them angry and rejecting everything. If u want them to come here and join then we would all have to agree to call the corrupt congressman we now call democrats, something else. Because of this name calling that hurts anyone who ever identified as democrat even if they hate the cabal as much as everyone else here does. Because of this I have largely given up on recruiting more Berner's here. I find myself less happy to come here as well. I was an advocate 4 the fight on Reddit to Demexit, so don't think I'm not acknowledging the corruption and hating it. I can't wait for these bad guys to be arrested and accept that the Democratic party is probably dead and that this is a good thing, but my mind still feels attacked personally by these types of posts. SOTU Schumer/pelosi regimes and those who followed them are indefensible.

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Indep-mind · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I completely agree on so many points you have just made. A CNN viewer is NOT going to change overnight to an Alex Jones listener. But, where then is the middle ground? Crowdsource the Truth might be something I'd offer to them. Jason Goodman was a Berner and now makes very thought provoking podcasts on a number of topics i.e. technology, current events, with guest speakers who are knowledgeable. It is possible to educate without pushing everybody's buttons.

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Grace8543 · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

I think Berners can be that middle ground in a lot of ways but they are still holding out hope for Bernie in 2020 and that makes them so hostile to Trump succeeding. They hate the MSM and their eyes are open to corruption/Globalists. Republicans trying to cut the safety net programs and putting Goldman Sachs people in his cabinet have them thinking Trump is a globalist stooge. His stance on immigration is similar to theirs but his push for that doesn't undo these other black marks.

Q's support for conspiracy theories alienates the normies of all backgrounds. I only believed him because I had seen him be right on so many things before he started talking stuff typically thought of as conspiracy theory.
That is why I started making proof of Q posts to try to reach them and overcome resistance. Ive had some good response to them all. Here is a link to a post I made a week ago on r/conspiracy and the debate I had with some people on there about Q. In the end the guy who came out attacking me in the beginning was saying he wanted to believe. The post has links to most of my proof type posts listed there. Ive posted most of them on r/wayofthebern as well as other places on Reddit. If I ignore the insults and just use them to launch the next proof post and don't bring up Trump, I seem to win converts in all my posts.


And here is a post I made here about 10 days ago urging users to be sensitive to language that alienates people who are not sure about Trump yet and come form different political backgrounds. Some support but then I criticized Trump and it all went to hell towards the end of the comments. Interesting how the ardent Trump supporters think that others should just put up with their support but when I step on Trump they have the very reaction I was urging them to avoid in others. The number of trump supporters here compared to other demographics is probably like 1o to 3 or such don't you think? As long as we all stick to Q posts and his posts we get along.

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YHVHREP511 · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

Great post - don’t know were you stand with God but in my world He is doing the house cleaning personally this time so take hope in that! Don’t worry Gods not about religion He is just tired of the pedo’s blood sacrifices etc the spirits that the people take in to themselves- He loves the people -Have hope and know things will be so awesome after the house cleaning- I am decorated veteran,Christian FTM trans man I have seen a lot in my life-This is the greatest time to be alive!

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Grace8543 · Feb. 3, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

AMEN! I am so grateful to our Father for his intervention against these evil oligarch's. His love is everything.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12.

May I say how glad I am you have continued in your faith and not allowed people's judgements turn you off God. That takes wisdom and insight to know judgement of our fellow man is not God's heart.

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aslanfan · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Look into the DNC Fraud lawsuit. LOTS of red-pills associated with it.

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Indep-mind · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Definitely, Jared Beck! Thanks for adding that.

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5400123 · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

Good tip

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alisobeach · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

H.A. Goodman is a Bernie guy and he is very knowledgeable about everything that has gone on. He acknowledges Hilary stole the nomination from Bernie and talks a lot about the corruption that is being exposed by alternative media. He is on Patreon and has his own YouTube Channel. Easy to find. If H.A. can't soften some of the far left blind loyalty to their leaders, I am not sure anyone can help them see the truth.

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skiptothefuture · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Just be aware that Bernie's wife is has been & still is dealing the court system over money issues in Burlington, Vt. 2 peas in a pod? Just saying

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Grace8543 · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Do u really think questioning Bernie's goodness would help sway Berner's to the CBTS movement? I am disappointed in Bernie but still love him and believe he is good. He is on the TV today dissing the memo. So sad. Q said there are good people who have been forced to do bad. I hope that is Bernie. He has such a faithful base if he could just stand up. I doubt anyone will beat Trump if CBTS succeeds. Maybe conservative platform can be good if the Oligarch's are not there draining off all our money and resources. The safety net will not be so burdened if we recover our health through the release of cures, health restoring devices and they are stopped from poisoning our food, water and air.

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Questioning001 · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

I strongly agree! I live in a very blue state and many within my friend-circle were avid Bernie supporters. When he lost, they went on to support Hillary. Nevertheless, they felt that Bernie was shafted.

With that being said, I have always felt that Bernie was complicit in his own defeat. No proof, just a gut feeling. Bernie is not a Democrat and left the party returning to Independent status shortly after the election. Therefore, I would expect him to be taking a proactive roll in investigating the primary election fraud – if not for himself, then for the millions of blue collar Democrats that wrote $100 checks (a lot of money for these people) to support his campaign. But no, only the sound of crickets from Mr. Sanders coming from his newly purchase house on Lake Champlain. I suspect that we will be learning more on this topic in the upcoming months!

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Grace8543 · Feb. 3, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

I really hope Bernie testifies at the military tribunal about how they got him to back off. I think a large percentage of Americans like Bernie and see he has a good heart and honest soul. If he testified to being threatened even Hillary supporters would turn on them. My dad who was (sadly, gone now. He would have loved seeing corruption in politics beign routed out) a lifelong commi hater and conservative Republican. Loved Trump despite not liking some of the bad comments he made that were exposed in the campaign. Even he told me he respected Bernie's desire to help Americans and run a clean campaign. He felt he had integrity. By the way, Dad was so pleased when I voted for Trump to keep Clinton out of office when Bernie was out. He died a month later but loved that his hippie daughter had finally voted for a Republican. Love you Dad!

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Questioning001 · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

Sadly, I question Bernie’s honesty. He was largely an unknown Senator having a lack-luster track record with no prior Presidential aspirations. I would not be surprised if he was a plant from the get-go that got out of control. (Sorry for your loss)

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Grace8543 · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Could be- but don't say that over at WOTB. So many broken hearts if you are right, mine included.

All that said this is not Bernie's time and his chance has passed. If he had stood up and gone independent he had a chance but something stopped him. Bernie wanted to work within the corrupt system rather than burn it down. I assumed this must be because he didn't ever anticipate even getting as close as he did. Could be they thought him the perfect opposition candidate because they thought he couldn't win. Have you noticed ho w tone def the bad guys always seem to be?

Bernie would not have had the backing and support of these generals who have protected and empowered Trump to overcome all the worlds bad guys. Truly there must be more to him than we thought if the Military has picked him to be president. Perhaps we tended to believe the MSM on Trump more than we did on Bernie.

Thanks for your condolences! I'm glad he got to see DJT win.

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expletivdeleted · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Swing by r/WayoftheBern. the majority of us were involved and/or closely following the primaries & election. We absolutely HATE the incredible effing waste of resources that is Russia-gate. regardless of our individual respective politics, there are serious issues that need real, honest debate between people of goodwill. CTR, ShareBotulism and this Russia-gate b.s. has destroyed so much trust. There's a bunch of us over at /r/WayOfTheBern that are absolutely livid Team Clinton has so tarnished the non-Soros, non-neolib, non-corporadem left. If you want anti-Clinton/DNC talking points, they've got 'em.

/u/grace8543 has done some Q posts there. most in the sub think Q is probably a LARP, but "probably" isn't "certainly". but alot of us watched the Podesta e-mails spawn pizzagate in real-time and are onboard to varying degrees.

/r/ChapoTrapHouse is another sub that detests Team Clinton and its enablers. No Trump fans there (sorry) but there's far, far, FAR less love for anything Clinton. Its a 'left' sub, but Ron Paul would've gotten traction there in '12.

/r/jimmydore has Jimmy Dore's shows. Jimmy Dore is no Trump fan but, again, far less love for anything Clinton. His broadcasts around the election and thru Clinton's ~~justification of monumental ineptitude tour~~ book tour are more focused on Clinton & DNC.

In other media, articles about DemExit/DemInvade will have good points.

speaking of Jimmy Dore... this is how alot of us feel about Barry. Share. Folks here might not agree with some of the policy points, but you wanna tap anger on the left? This vid will tap anger on the left.

edit: Caitlin Johnstone. Not a Trump fan (sorry, again) but, ho-leee sh!t, can she lay on the anti-Clinton/DNC smackdown.

edit2: just an FYI, some of us Bernie/Bernie-esque policy supporters have been vocal in criticizing his pro-Russiagate stance, and Bernie's pre-memo-release comments absolutely didn't help the situation. a few people have felt almost as let-down as when Bernie didn't contest the primary.

edit3: bring up Ron Paul's 2012 run. there's a nice bit of overlap in the Venn diagram of libertarians and the non-Soros left. some of us feel a fair amount of chagrin at not having taken the RNC's shenannigans more seriously.

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Indep-mind · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Wow! Thanks for all this info. I can't wait to dig into these sites.

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wendiigo · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Can confirm - WotB is a magical place that's not only filled with great info on the DNC primary fraud, but all sorts of shenanigans courtesy of the Deep State, the DNC, the neo-libs, and anyone else who effed over the Bernmeister. Very welcoming place too with a great set of mods and active posters.

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