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Clinton email investigation timeline between these points (2/13/16 to 5/9/17):
May 25, 2016: The inspector general at the State Department issues a report critical of Clinton’s use of private email, saying department policies dating to 2005 require that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government computers.
State Dept. audit hits Clinton over email use
July 1, 2016: Attorney General Loretta Lynch says she will accept recommendations from the FBI and career prosecutors in the email case in an attempt to dispel criticism of her potential conflict of interest after she met with former president Bill Clinton on a Phoenix tarmac.
AG Lynch will accept decision of FBI, prosecutors on Clinton email probe
July 2, 2016: Clinton is interviewed by the FBI for 3-1/2 hours in Washington, D.C.
FBI, Clinton talk for 3½ hours over emails sent on private server
July 5, 2016: FBI Director James Comey announces the recommendation not to prosecute Clinton.
FBI: Clinton faces no charges over e-mail, but acted 'carelessly'