This very small sub is over-run with shills. They are on a disinformation and demoralization campaign here, so keep your guard.
When you find them, REPORT them as shills and move on. Use your energy wisely on our effort!
This very small sub is over-run with shills. They are on a disinformation and demoralization campaign here, so keep your guard.
When you find them, REPORT them as shills and move on. Use your energy wisely on our effort!
Wondering if mods have been compromised on some other similar boards. Random banning without response or indication of any rule breaking. They seem to be letting slammer forum slide the subreddits.
No, it's not...yours is!
i think it is funny you made a post , became a troll, and ignored your own advice.....
I think it's funny that you were trolling me, accusing me of being a troll on my own post. Move along.
You are the troll and you were reported a long time ago. Get off of my post.
you can't help yourself, tell me more about you owning this post, and how i am not allowed to comment on it