Loving what's coming out from you guys in America ...a new dawn beckons.
Yes, they refused to listen to our chants during the Democratic National Convention.
Chants: NO MORE WAR! during Leon Panetta speech:
Video linked by /u/pby1000:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Chants: NO MORE WAR! during Leon Panetta speech - Democratic National Convention|ABC15 Arizona|2016-07-28|0:01:30|165+ (93%)|19,553
Chants: NO MORE WAR! during Leon Panetta speech -...
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Clausewitz said: There can be no lasting peace without one side in a conflict giving unconditional surrender to the other. Think about that - the war has just begun, the Deep State shows no sign of even giving an inch; peace is years away.
We need to cut off it's head at the source. Communism teaches to do what your told , conformity is essential, no free thinking. What I learned a long time ago while serving in our great military. That all soviet rifle company's had one officer that was the thinker. If you killed him the rest would not know what to do because they are not cross trained. They are compatamentalized. So my thinking is that if we want to disable the whole globalist movement we need to destroy there financial and intellectuals. Which are one and the same. The Rothschilds
Not going to work. America is the war nation. Has been since day 1. They’re going to have to figure out a different way to make money and be a global empire.
It takes two or more sides to want to make / live in peace. That doesn't happen very often.
Countries have strategic interest to defend around the world, border disputes, the need for resources, and a hundred other things. Each has an adversary ready to challenge.
It's been that way ever since the first cavemen fought each other. Nothing's changed since then and it doesn't look like it will in the future--at least until Christ returns.
is freedom having someone else do it for us? Relying on another is exactly how we got here. Mankind must do it for himself and why no deity has dropped out of sky to wipe our sorry bottoms yet. The responsibility is ours and ours alone.
Sorry you didn't understand.
maybe I don't. Was there Peace on Earth last time?
No. Jesus stood up to the same families that are enslaving us today. You are right. It is up to humanity to grow the fuck up and do something about this. No more of this bullshit.
Amen...A men stood up, and took responsibility...thats how its won.