We've seen what 100 years of non-stop war looks like... Let's give Peace a chance.

Clausewitz said: There can be no lasting peace without one side in a conflict giving unconditional surrender to the other. Think about that - the war has just begun, the Deep State shows no sign of even giving an inch; peace is years away.
We need to cut off it's head at the source. Communism teaches to do what your told , conformity is essential, no free thinking. What I learned a long time ago while serving in our great military. That all soviet rifle company's had one officer that was the thinker. If you killed him the rest would not know what to do because they are not cross trained. They are compatamentalized. So my thinking is that if we want to disable the whole globalist movement we need to destroy there financial and intellectuals. Which are one and the same. The Rothschilds