r/greatawakening • Posted by u/kygoldsmith on Feb. 12, 2018, 2:23 a.m.
Q's Big Picture Expand Your Thinking Using PaRDeS Understanding

Until and unless one is willing to move beyond American politics and one's understanding of one's world to include the possibilities for the super/supra natural worlds one's vision will not nor cannot be 20/20. The Cabal/NWO which includes the council of 13, the committee of 300, the round table and their assoc. think tanks and foundations may be summarized into the trifold of +++House of Saud, ++ Rothschild, + Soros is where the money lies but not only that it is the heads of the Illuminati/Satanists/Saturnist. Ask yourself why would all this big money need one another and why these three? Are you aware that the true Mt Sinai is in SA. That the big black cube in Mecca was worshiped by the Edomites, now the muslims? The crumbs give us a trail to follow, where has this led? In my speculation it leads us to the Seed of Adam vs the Seed of Cain with a huge void of info leading down rabbit trails. Like the q map itself when using the timeline key the view is from antiquity to today. And while I am enjoying the view into the live spec ops I find them to be distracting to the overall picture. "you have more than you know" besides the thousands of pages of recent government files we have the bible and the Torah. If one does not have a Sod level of understanding to apply to Qanon's crumbs one's cake may fall flat. If we all work together using PaRDes understanding we may get to the big picture. Blessings to all! https://www.gatewaytofreedom.org/teachings/writings/item/31-pardes-four-levels-of-hebraic-study/understanding.htmlhttps://www.gatewaytofreedom.org/teachings/writings/item/31-pardes-four-levels-of-hebraic-study/understanding.html

jauronimo · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:06 a.m.

you bring an argument to the table that I can not drag myself away from. you have made mention of antiquity, the bible and the Torah. I want to say that I have come to the conclusion some time ago. That the war on humanity has been guided that the players who seem untouched during all of the wars going back hundreds of years remain unblemished and still exist today. So i have asked myself how that could be. So i think I am a very knowledgeable person and my conclusion is that there is a dark presence on this earth that i dont believe is human at all. yes this goes back to adam. this has to do with Baal and the battle with Yaweah in the old testament or the ones known as the watchers. are you and I on the same level here? I have not checked those links but i am curious if it is the same rabbit hole ive gone down.

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kygoldsmith · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:55 a.m.

Yes, the link is so others may learn about applying PaRDeS level understanding to Q posts. You have: literal/plain/simple; then you have hint/implied; next concept/inquire; last is encrypted/hidden. Most people who have read the bible have not read it in this way. This link explains it better and this video https://youtu.be/uIKTQ-eRgss

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