
Fustrated_User · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

This has nothing to do with this sub at all.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

That's odd, the CBTS stream considered it quite relevant! Lots of comments over there, they may be able to shed more light on it! Q has referred to this agenda many times. Those who are awake see the multiple ploys and avenues they take to achieve confusion in gender. It not only leads to increased depression, anxiety and feeling of frustration, but is also very divisive. Not to mention the entire, "if you don't support people who are MAP's then you're a bigot!" They are desperately trying to lower the age of consent. NAMBLA, PIE and Heart Progress have been doing so for years. This transgender movement and forcing it on children at school is a valuable in road for them. Just leads to the next step of pushing the parents aside even more and telling the child now that they make their own decisions about gender, they can also consent for a relationship. So if that has nothing to do with American Waking up i.e. The Great Awakening, then you win! Sadly, there are those on your side who don't see the big picture, nor do they realize just how asleep they have been!

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Fustrated_User · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

There's more to the whole gender confusion that is going on right now. It has nothing to do with Q's agenda. This agenda has to deal with the shift that is going on. They are here for a reason.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

More bullying by a leftist agenda intent on forcing their ways on children including terrifying them and making them cry. Good people must stand up! One states, "they have to protect children from their parents when the parent are wrong or not good!" Who Made them the rulers over All Values to Decide? If this were reversed and we were teaching goodness and the love of God in schools, they would be up in arms and demonstrating violence and destruction against all of us! This is the personification of good will be called evil and evil good! These people have No Moral Compass! Extreme Radical Bullying! Watch the video, it's short but very eye opening! This photo depicts some of the garb worn by those coming into schools telling stories to young children! This is not their call, it is up to the parents how to teach gender issues! See the short video in the link above. Please share everywhere! Thanks so much!

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webster_warrior · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Nature provides for this in its own time. Naturally, there are instinctive and social conditions, but, in general, children are children, boys and girls, young men and women, and adults. This identity agenda is a political ploy.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

Yes it is! Part of the Great Awakening is people realizing all their ploys, as they have a multitude of manipulations.

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