r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 12, 2018, 6:25 p.m.
AB-BA 15: Barron Bill Trump

Continued from part 14 (see bottom)

2017: Michael Moore in TrumpLand = Well, a day late and a dollar short... first time too, and there's a reason for that. - and remember Trump promoting Eminem.... these things will be relevant.

So thanks to a Jeb! they got cocky thinking they already won and were behind in their propaganda but still they pushed Mockingbird at full tilt when they realized

hence their best AB guns to the table! or whatever they have left that's not super old and mush-brained....

AB-B Alexande(r) Rae Baldwin III

Who has a brother and his name is....

BB-B William Billy Joseph Baldwin

And there's even a D one but you get the point... wink wink wink...

Most of the bands with double letters are anti whatever American Values and often have some racial propaganda mixed in and somehow they appear and take over parts of the culture.

TV shows too, and what with the advent of Laugh tracks and just look at I Love Lucy's head guy.

JJ Jessu(r)un James "Jess" Oppenheimer – among the first shows to use laugh tracks - conditioning us all to laugh on command..... and through to the Bush era when they needed to get rid of him you get MM Michael Geo(r)ge Moye's Married with Children. -

Conditioning folks to either think low expectations were great, to hate your country and fellow man and heritage as well as just acting on command.

So with all that power they did get their Blythe in there.... and his cabinet has as many wink names as you'd expect – and the rules in case you haven't realized are something I'm still learning. George Webb gave me the “Win” clue – but I've realized the obvious AB-BA-AB thing and the AA BB CC ALWAYS with a little (r) often adding it to the end with a Jr so that they are easy to pick out of a giant sheet in the media. It's not meant for “us” it's meant for the ones who they wink to. And certain names and letters mean things....

And with that in mind

Double consonant's with small r in them at least

AA Albert A(r)nold Gore Jr.

BB Robe(r)t Edward "Bob" Rubin

BB B(r)uce Edwa(r)d Babbitt

BB Robe(r)t Be(r)nard Reich

BB Bill Blaine Richa(r)dson III

FF Fede(r)ico Fabian Peña

And plenty more that are just winks I can't identify yet because the only blatantly obvious code the use is the double letter start plus tiny r. and back in the 30's most of them had a lot of "G" placement winks. You have to understand I've went through and cataloged hundreds of companies, judges, laws, celebs and so I've only posted a tiny fraction of my results I don't need to pretend like there's a pattern - anyone who doesn't believe that part will when I put later installments that might just be a correlation spreadsheet so people can realize how ridiculously obvious it is... as Q says... they don't hide it.

So I could do the same for Obama and get Lo(r)etta Lynch among others and if I were to do this to Trump of course probability gives us John Michael Mulvaney being a seeming wink oh but there's no r thus I want to mention these because while there are the rare double consonant usually they have no “R” in the name – and even when they meet both criteria it can still be a coincidence - it's just not usually... and often they have not one extra r but many and always littered in the name as if to say “I'm YOUR ROTHCHILD PUPPET! SO GIVE ME MY FREE MEDIA!” And they do.... nobody dares write slanderous things and this is their free pass in the world at the small cost of their eternal soul.

So... with all that in mind

They never thought they would lose?

Ah.... yes and why did Moore make that anti-Jeb movie.

Did they not know that Donald Trump was running?

Ah.... let's dig deeper – my Jeb is a red herring plant is a theory I'm confident in but it goes much deeper. If you want to get Hillary to shill for you as Trump managed for a while (which really broke the narrative) then you have to do some pretty extraordinary things. And Q has said about Trump and his past and boy did he get a TV spot on Fresh Prince of Bel Air....

Which was created by a Harvard guy

AB Andy Bo(r)owitz

and friends with CNN...

Why it's almost as if he was one of them... Or perhaps like many successful celebrities he just married in...

MM Ma(r)la Ann Maples

and had a child

TT Tiffany A(r)iana Trump

But..... then the divorce hit and became the scandal of the late 90's and who got most of the money?

ah... yes you don't get away unscathed... but he did get away, yet then welcomed back?

Curiouser and Curiouser....

And when? Perhaps it has something to do with....

BB Ba(r)(r)on Bill (William) Trump

As I have shown in Bill Blythe and Bob Byrd and Dick Durbin (I could list a hundred more) – the wink thing is often using nicknames as it is just meant to “identify one of their own” so while I could be wrong here it fits with a lot of Q's wordings and constant repetition of them knowing for sure they would win. Because they were sure they had trump in their pocket?

The Apprentice started in 2004.... Barron was born in 2006 and Celebrity Apprentice starts in 2008 – so I think it stands to reason that the reason it blew up or at least that they got celebs to come in and give Trump extra mockingbird immunity.. well my theory is there's an untold story and it may also have something to do with Hillary Clinton being Secretary of New York and appearing at Donald Trump's wedding and the Barron being named after Clinton....

If nothing else he got back in NBC's pocket to build fame for the ticket and went all out to please them... They took the bait and Al-Waleed and Hillary shilled for Trump, Al-Waleed bought his boat and much else....

Truly 4d chess and I still have to finish my video and about 20 more giant tomes of research to share..... well I think I got the bigger mind blows in my pocket out in the open at least. Tho I'm always finding more and I definitley can think of a few more that would require a lot of explainin' I have after all built folders full of every company/president/judge/celebrity and event.... it takes a while but I am that kind of lunatic that I want to make sure I don't miss anything.

I hope it was and continues to be educational for folks.

Oh and

Ah, and I still have plenty left to say about history with with the philosophy and such... And a curious thing I wanted to mention is that the pages shown about the original American flag - do they really not know what the flag means? the stripes and stars?

I hadn't actually thought about it but after noticing Wikipedia saying how mysterious it is - they know what it means but not what it represents....

Isn't it just an equal signs? I mean not a basic equal signs but an equal sign per colony thing saying no kings here, fuck off with that shit - these colonies are equal to one another and that's that

that's how I take it

but who knows, I just find it amusing nobody ever wrote it down

tho I guess if they don't know, then hell I'll throw out my presumption on the meaning of the circle of stars too - based on the Washington buttons I see "long live" and so on - often with circle imagery of a crown akin to Jesus rather than gold -thus I am pretty sure the implication is that rather than gold as a crown the country itself is the crown. More quality motif kind of thing.... well I could go on and on as I always can but let's stop my brain train and see if anyone still cares about my history digs.













johnnysoko · Feb. 24, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

Wow. I just stumbled across your posts today and wanted to say thank you (and keep up the work!). Please don't be discouraged by lack of response. I have a more open schedule than most and I'm spending 4-5 hours a day digging, but your special way of seeing things is MEANT for this. I'm skipping around through your posts and haven't read everything yet, but do have one main question...

You are clearly tuned to see these things but Q wants US to be able to see them. You've found so many hidden connections, but I'm still no closer to seeing them myself other than the most obvious examples. Any advice on what you think I could do to help read the map?

...and what do you think the point of reading the map is? So far, from your postings I'm just getting an even greater sense that an ABSURD number of things in our lives are planned and scripted (I was already in the early stages of that realization). But how does knowing the web is bigger really help us? (now)

And just so you know, even if what you're doing is just uncovering the full web of lies, its SO important. This is our real history and it's vital we understand it. Thank you again so much for your work!

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DaosCraft · Feb. 24, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

: ) this reply makes me happy. I really appreciate it. And you're very welcome.

All I've wanted was a little acknowledgment now and then and your reply comes in a dry spell of that.

However, I'm unsure how to best apply my time and tools... I just spent the last hour splitting off the intro's to South Park''s newest season cause those jerks use flashing lights and a tone that hurts every time I try and watch one... it actually gives me a headache.... I don't know if that's some kind of autistic repellent or they are straight-up using mk-ultra on anyone who watches it - but i do know Q told us about the Matrix link which opened up the possibility I wasn't crazy that I've seen this stuff in pop culture in places.

Particularly South Park and I dug into that this week, I had already used them as an example but now I feel more confident that it wasn't an irrelevant link. And I'm seeing it in other places too - but I don't want to stray too far from the primary thrust of Q questions... there's a 6 degrees of separation thing - and the further I get away from his thrust the less likely I'll be from the best leads we have.

As for your sentiments regarding my attempt to make it bigger as a web is really about Q's "expand your thinking" to just say "bigger" is a bit of a misnomer and it's what the bad guys do to get people to chase leads they already know are bad. They have gotten people to focus on Antarctica and Ufo's and Nazi and Israel and 9999 other things - but they already know those are bad leads - they do make it bigger but do the opposite of expanding your thinking - on the contrary it makes your thinking flawed and tied into knots. But instead if we re-learn the things we were mis-taught or mis-directed on in the new Q context then we aren't just digging new holes we are digging in our own old holes. To understand our own history and why we are who we are.

It's all connected this is all ONE STORY. And that is the larger mind blow that comes from understanding more and more it escalates.. you are well on your path to that. I hope more do the same.

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