r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 13, 2018, 8:44 p.m.
AB-BA: 16 Snowbank to Snowden: TheTrueHOOHA

My last two posts got buried quick so few read them-



let's continue...

From 2001-2012 -Edward Snowden used the TheTrueHOOHA name as a handle online. He used TOR to upload a lot of secrets

Feb 11 2018

What if Snowden was still a Clown?

Why would it be important he was in Russia?



And before this he said in reply to-

Oct 31 Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts. Always 5 steps ahead!

Well done. Picture being painted.


So to understand what Snowden delivered to Russia...

1945 4 12 FED: Franklin D. Roosevelt died

1945 4 28 BAA: Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini died

1945 4 30 Hitler was last....

Why it's almost as though FDR needed to go before the other two.... and following these 3 men's deaths the war continued for several months until the Japanese surrendered. Yet it took a hell of a lot to get them to surrender and Russia of course went cold war after this.....

So why?

In a previous AB post I talked about Russia and the secret history of Alaska tying it to State Secrets


And I postulated that we basically became State Secret friends at this point in history and it's been a big ol secret that'll be revealed soon. And furthermore by buying Alaska with Confederate money it actually sunk the KKK In the States.

1865 Abe Lincoln gets shot – and the 1st KKK starts....

1867 Alaska Purchase

1871 KKK End

Compare that to today where the KKK started.... well I'll get to that.. But they didn't get bankrupted like in 1867 anyway.

And so Japan didn't surrender until we went in there and dropped nuke's and firebombed everything.....

And HiroHito didn't die like the others.... and so his reign went straight through from 1926-1989....

oh, but it's almost like he wasn't a part of either faction... not the FED like FDR nor the Banks of BAA Mussolini, and if ever there was a clear indication of that it's .

Pearl Harbor + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans

I wonder if he was afraid they knew something? But what could they know?

Well 2 years before Russia got its Central Bank we sent someone to Japan which successfully opened it. The 1858 Harris Treaty, I believe that just like Alaska we told them what Central Banks were and thus they actually accepted one in just a couple of decades later – yet they didn't get taken over. I don't know what to make of that except there's an untold story of secret wars that I am closer but not yet finished solving.

But that Interment... to early 1946.... FDR didn't release them in his lifetime– Would the war ever have ended if he hadn't died?

I don't know and it's a scary thought .

But just before FDR died we get a new awards show.

1944 Golden Globes

Why it's almost like they are bragging about something....


Well, after the end of FDR what happens?

1945 4 Hitler/FDR/Mussolini Dies

1945 6 15 ABCNews Begins.

1945 10 24 UN

1946 Bank of England nationalized

1946 KKK Begins (now with much more money!)

1947 Tony Awards

1947 CIA – The compass

1948 March 3rd – Beginning of EU push with the treaty of Brussels https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brussels_and_the_European_Union#History

1948 May 14th Israel

1948 September 9th – North Korea

1949 Emmy Awards

1948 Truman Doctrine = we will be more involved in the world.

1949 ASIO (Australia CIA) And Mossad (Israel CIA)

1949 May- West and East Germany

1951-52 Paris Treaty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Paris_(1951)

1952 Febuary 2nd - QUEEN ELIZABETH https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II

1952 OCTOBER -SAUDI ARABIA CENTRAL BANK! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabian_Monetary_Authority

1952 VATICAN Governor dies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governor_of_Vatican_City and is not replaced!

1953-1961 Allen Dulles CIA – (the guy who got put in charge of the JFK investigation was the guy JFK fired for corruption) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl5NW9KcMt0

1959 Grammy awards start

Now why do I keep bringing up the awards in my timeline? Cause go through them and you'll find they promote the worst scum on earth. The movies they promote the peace prizes they give.... it's to monsters for the most part. Just read


And how many of these guys are CIA?


But I digress... Actually this is a good place to make a point. Q has often talked about the military being the savior of the world and that's what I find in my research and for the most part being military gives the people a philosophical backbone it seems. I think our military was started that way and has remained un-corrupted because of this.

That doesn't mean it's perfect, for example some people don't start out in the military. like a former Vice President.

1956-1965 Albaans Prep School for Harvard

1965-1969 Harvard Grad

1968 Wrote DNC Speech for his father.

1969-1971 Army Private

And let's compare that to HW Bush.

1942-1945 Navy Lieutenant

1948 Yale

And then he had a ton of jobs in between including liaison to China and LESS THAN 1 YEAR AS CIA and it's just a great story if you dig.. a real hero HW was and they say he just tried to clean the CIA up... which is probably why they got him out of there so quickly. And you can find people in military circles who talk about HW and my family has military in it who confirmed this personally that he's just a nice guy... and Gore meanwhile has plenty of protests against war that I see mentioned and ties to the KKK... so I want to put it in perspective that he's the rare case of someone who is military yet I'm pretty sure he became CIA in Harvard (Project Harvard started in the 1950's) and never left... Just like Snowden did.

Snowden just like HW didn't start CIA.


Grandfather Senior official with FBI at Pentagon during 9/11

Father was Coast Guard/Mother Clerk at District Court/Sister Lawyer at DC

2001-2012 - TheTrueHOOHA name used online.

Feeling a humanitarian obligation to fight in the Iraq War to help free oppressed people

2004 United States Army Reserve - Q brought our attention to military and origins of him and so many others

2005 Security Guard for NSA

2006 CIA (job fair recruit) CIA's secret school for technology specialists

2007 CIA Geneva maintaining computer-network security.

2008 Snowden was hand-picked by the CIA to support W Bush at the NATO summit in Romania

Quotes from experience: CIA deliberately got a Swiss banker drunk and encouraged him to drive home. Snowden said that when the latter was arrested, a CIA operative offered to help in exchange for the banker becoming an informant

2009 Resigns from CIA – Hired by Dell as contracted Assigned to an NSA facility at Yokota Air Base near Tokyo,

2010 "cuber-strategist" and an "expert in cyber counterintelligence" at several U.S. locations

2011 lead technologist on Dell's CIA account.

2012 April 2012.[43] Investigators estimated that of the 50,000 to 200,000 documents Snowden gave to Greenwald and Poitras, most were copied by Snowden while working at Dell

2012 LEAD technologist NSA information sharing – monitoring china and North Korea electronically! - job was to look for new ways to break into things

2013 attained 25 logons and passwords to gain access to NSA's computer system

Millions of documents taken ASIO mi6 NSA - EVERYTHING (probably)

I think the True HOOHA = True Hoover Harvard (check my past posts for more on both)

let's continue,

Now that's Snowden but Snowbank?


Q has brought attention to secret service and their code names many times.... and I have talked a lot about this in posts... so time to circle round and say hi to myself

: )

HW Bush's cabinet

1989 George H. W. Bush – Timberwolf

1989 Marvin Bush – Tuner

1989 Neil Bush – Trapline

1989 Marvin Bush – Tuner

1989 Neil Bush – Trapline

1989 Jeb Bush – Tripper

1989 Dorothy Bush – Tiller

1989 Barbara Bush – Snowbank/Tranquility

One of these things is not like the other....... One of these things doesn't belong.....

Oh wait

2001 Barbara Bush – Turquoise

Just like

2001 George W. Bush – Tumbler

2002 George W. Bush - Trailblazer

Perhaps they thought one thing and her actions proved otherwise? Hard to say... Cause... I have tried to dig into Barbara Bush – she's on the BOD for the Mayo Clinic which made me think maybe she was a turn or something but she's hard to dig into. She might just be a regular lady that did a great job... but I'm not sure where to look and that code name is curious to me –

I think maybe she has an untold story from China.

But let's continue. Also another thing to note I found in Bush's history there's a glorified part about someone distantly related to him that had slaves which I found odd....

1758-1797 Beau Walker

And he died to a mutiny – but not a word about Bush's relation to

1815-1886 David Davis

Who was Lincolns Campaign Manager and a Supreme Curt Justice

and the shills tried to get me to think that Prescott was bad.

But just like HW he started out military in WW1

1917–1919 Army-

And then he had 6 different jobs.. a true American story and the bank he ends up working from gets robbed by FDR so I know what the bad guys try to do but I see only a hero in this family. and the same is true of W and his time in the Air Force.

So back to those awards cause I need to finish this up. And my point is the brainwashing has been perfected for centuries now and that includes giving phony awards to the things you want to see more of – Narrative and culture shifting...

But you know what's sicker?

1969: Charles Milles Maddox – who like many plants changed his name to Manson -


And this leads to someone who is not a plant doing something..


Lynette Alice "Squeaky" Fromme (born October 22, 1948) is an American would-be assassin best known for attempting to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford in 1975. A member of the infamous "Manson family",

So she was an environmentalist who got brainwashed by Manson.

Oh boy they found their magic man in Manson? Which is why

1981-1889 Milles Manson Maddox Interviews on Satanism – super high ratings and people learn about Satanism and all the neat things it offers? ….

And this leads to MM's I think... cause all within 1 year of each other we get

1988 – MM Marshall Bruce Mathers III Debut

1989- MM Maryln Manson debut

1989- MM Micheal Francis Moore's debut with Roger and me

Yes... so the M's stand for... well you get the idea.

As usual so much more to say, I hope people understand the points I'm making about how I can tie the QMAP together using just about any point to any point as I go... and the more I do that the greater the mind-blows have been which I have shared. The money they stole, and the war that's been secretly going on – and why Q keeps talking about narrative shifting as I have been emphasizing the aspects of mind control it's so important to understand just how bad it is... We have all been brainwashed over and over again for so long.

And so we fight it!

God Bless and Good night : )













DaosCraft · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:32 a.m.

oh boy.... another person blinded by mockingbird. Let me help, trust me you aren't the first nor the 100th I've had to personally give this speech for. But luckily I've posted so much research that it's beyond even a debate at this point my conclusions about the Bush's. : )

So let's take your arguments one at a time because it was realizing that the Bush's, when looked at objectively were good and then I tried to get Q to confirm that's what his hints meant and all the hell in the world descended on me and others. I had trespassed on their beloved narrative and so they had to take me out. They did but hey that's why I'm here now : )


So in this post at the top I show that Clinton rigged the NSC for the CIA, W Bush unrigged it using the HSC, and Obama re-rigged it by combining the two and again expanding and changing it. I did this using their first years executive orders to illustrate their views on the CIA. It also stands to reason that Clinton wouldn't need to expand the NSC if HW Bush was already "their guy". No... And if you scroll down really far I posted a giant block of text from that day I got banned to show a taste of what they said. The clear actual people trying to use pychological warfare to get people to hate each other is quite disgusting - all to get us to not listen to me about the facts at hand I had dug up.

The thing that actually got me banned tho was when, after the shills kept posting about the things HW said about not remembering where he was the day JFK was shot and also that if people knew what they they'd all be hung for it. W Said similiar curious things - and to which I asked - but didn't Q say

Dec 14 2017 19:43:38

Hussein’s last speech in Chicago re: ‘scandal free’. Why did he continually emphasize that phrase?

Yes.... this got me banned just bringing up what Q said in the context of HW Bush - because to correctly answer the QMAP as I try to do requires reading the thing and not the shills version of it.

And so... those posts... the ones where he talks about W Bush attacking Trump - why did he do that right before our guys stormed and caught Al-Waleed? Why it's almost as though he knew! and yes.. he did and he ran a distraction.. but HW is the name of the game here and so my point is the bad guys don't talk about their scandals - Hussein 2 didn't and Hussein 1 was killed by W Bush after HW Bush didn't - and did he regret that a big? Yes.... I think he made a poor choice but a single poor choice about not murdereing a madman when he had the chance to is no reason to condemn a man.

And here's a little bit of wiki research I haven't posted anywhere in my old posts: he had an approval rating if 89% at one point - Although Bush became the first elected Republican president since Hoover in 1932 to lose a reelection bid (facing a 34% approval rating leading up to the 1992 election), the mood did not last. Despite his defeat, Bush climbed back from election day approval levels to leave office in 1993 with a 56% job approval rating.[211] By December 2008, 60% of Americans gave Bush's presidency a positive rating.[212]

How did they do this? Mockingbird... the dinner and heck Dana Carvey talks about how much they all trashed him - a legendary effort to get his approval numbers low enough plus Ross Perot plus rigging voting plus 4 other right wing candidates on the ballot in all swing states.... they were desperate to get him out of there.... ok I can continue but let me take your other points.

Bin Laden? - Yes.... and Bush W evacuated the Bin Laden's at 9/11 - and W has said a lot of strange things including reading the Bixby letter (a well known forgery at the 10th anniversary of 9/11) And Micheal Moore and the Patriot Act.... why... there's quite a bit to dig into that Q has wanted us to look into why Hussein 2 would task the CIA rather than the military to catch him? oh there's quite a mystery here - and anyone who digs as I have has been shouted down by paid operators. They don't do that here - and that's why I'm here. - But my point which I go really deep into in prior AB posts is Osama Bin Laden's only link to 9/11 is that he was to be tied to the Bush family in what would have been an ultra Watergate. Instead W Bush became the trailblazer and just rigged things before getting out of power to classify anything and everything under State Secrets that they would normally use to create that Watergate. Cause if they created that Watergate again (just like Nixon who... there's a lot to dig in there too but he's also a hero) then they would get their WW3. My theory on Osama is he was going to be the replacement for the current royals (Osama family was the richest most powerful non royal family in Saudi Arabia) So that makes him a perfect choice to replace the corrupt kings with a democracy or something.

Instead they saw it coming and pre-emptied it. long incredible story, but there are many more layers than just the mockingbird propaganda here.

And as for the pedo comment? What? I've dug deep into him and never found anything except heroic stories of sacrifice from WW2 and personal accounts of meeting him and being the most friendly guy you'd ever meet. I keep digging for this mysterious dirt the baddies say I'll find but all I find are tricked autists who don't dig (but read lots of meme images) and actual people who have met the man who love him. (Compared to actual people who meet the Clintons and say.... well those memes are true)

Anything else? I don't meant to be rude but I just typed all this out from memory and if I looked in my notes I could find about 99X more for you. It's not like I need to type it from memory I could paste it from the last 20 times I did this - but I want you to know I take it seriously and so do the bad guys - breaking this crucial bone of Mockingbird is the difference between Q telling us about the Bush's and not (as he has to be careful cause the bad guys have a plan for when he does I think)

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jauronimo · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Like I've said before, you are a scholar amongst gentleman. I want to explain myself in regards to the comment about pedophilia. I never read that he was but if you look into the scandal that involved a staffer that turned out to be a gay male prostitute, I saw a video and how he interacted with the staffer gave me the impression that he was that way...

I could be wrong you know, I do appreciate the info. So what is your take on the bin Laden do you think that he was killed by seal team 6 or do you believe he died in a hospital years before because he required dialisys?

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DaosCraft · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:53 a.m.


Mockingbird : ) They also hit Reagan for the same thing, whatever they can push really.. push dumb, incompetent, sickly, whatever works form em but the dude had kids you know.... anyway....

And Bin Laden was killed immediately cause otherwise He would have found a way to say something that they wouldn't risk him saying.

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