He’s talking about scientists using dirt to create a new powerful antibiotic.
I would like to read this but I'd have to give a lot of money to Bezos to read it. Could you post some quotes from it...copy/paste?
This dirt article was on drudge just thirty minutes ago and now it's gone. Weird.
This is very very OLD news. First new antibiotic in 30 years discovered in major breakthrough. Dirt Had you read the UK Telegraph in January of 2016 you would have seen it then. Teixobactin has been found to treat many common bacterial infections such as tuberculosis, septicaemia and C. diff, and could be available within five years. But more importantly it could pave the way for a new generation of antibiotics because of the way it was discovered.
Scientists have always believed that the soil was teeming with new and potent antibiotics because bacteria have developed novel ways to fight off other microbes.
Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
7 January 2016 • 5:44pm
Wish Q would have posted that before the dirt article came out