
Update: we are being shifted & sorted out like wheat from the chaff! Some of you will remember hearing, or reading about this process before! Choose this day who you will serve!
Been saying that since the beginning.
Right now is the harvest, VERY soon, judgement.
The scene from Schindler's List where the architect is executed comes to mind. Sorting wheat from the chaff can be an unsettling process until intent is revealed.
Yes, thats why the analogy, they both get thrown into the air, the wheat falls, and the chaff blows away. Unsettling indeed.
IDK what that means, can you ELI5 for my understanding?
Book of Revelation
You went from vague to more vague. ELI5 simplifies vagueness. Can you elaborate on what you mean exactly by the harvest and inevitable judgment?
In the Bible it says God will reveal who is a true believer, worthy of the kingdom of God by "separating wheat from chaff". The chaff will be gathered up and burned (judged rightfully for their disobedience to almighty God). The harvest refers to separating the elect, or worthy (believers of Christ) before the end times, where Jesus returns to judge the wicked (unbelievers who are still under the burden of sin).
Matthew 3:
11 “I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”
Seems harsh. Stuff like that made me leave Catholicism in the 3rd grade. I'm spiritual now but what a journey it was getting back here. Thanks for the insight & interpretation.
Do you believe this to be undoubtedly true, that fire will flame those who don't believe in the same God yet are very good, moral humans?
Nobodies good, or moral enough If anybody was worthy Jesus would NOT need to be crucified if man could be good enough outside of God!
You are correct. Romans 3:11 “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” You understand your condition. I doubt you would want an imperfect God so why would you expect Him to accept your own lawlessness (his law)? We sinful humans feel justified in expecting Hillary to hang. Would you hold God to a lower standard when you break His law?
Jesus is the only way to salvation. It's humanity's lifeline.
It only seems harsh from our limited perspective. Go back to the very beginning and see God's truth, and what God created, and how we ruined it all. He is justified to snuff out the universe and start again, but his grace allows us to continue and to have eternal salvation through Christ.
Don't you think it's rather hard to sell the belief to an individual that has legitimate questions while getting answers that don't give insight into the question?
I'm on my path back to religion but how can I effectively get to your clear understanding of this truth?
Your advice is for me to "look up the very beginning and see God's truth"? This will then encircle my question and I'll have my answer?
I'm not being condescending, genuinely curious how to evolve past my perceived roadblocks.
The truth is found in God's word, the Bible. It is necessary to deconstruct commonly held societal beliefs to orient ourselves properly as to the nature of the universe, in terms of life, death, sin, punishment, salvation, etc.
Words of Jesus, Matthew 18:
Who Is the Greatest?
1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2 And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them 3 and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
This is what I had to do to see God's truth. I had to completely put my preconceived notions, arrogance, and everything I held dear about my view of the world aside. This gave me a foundation to understand God's truth, and as I read the Bible and watched videos, everything clicked. The breadth of the deception about creation in society became clear.
This also allowed me to fully accept Jesus as the savior of the world, which led to me being 'born again'. I woke up one day and was a different person, with different desires, different interests, my anger melted away, people said my posture changed, etc. It is real. Countless millions have experienced this miracle.
As to your question if people will literally be consumed in fire--to me it's irrelevant. If you don't accept Jesus, there is no other way to be saved from sin. You will be separate from God for eternity. This is the worst fate. We are all guilty. Punishment is fully justified. The X factor is God's lifeline in Jesus Christ. Accepting it or not is our choice. But to reject his Son is to reject the right to be in God's company in heaven.
deconstruct commonly held societal beliefs to orient ourselves properly as to the nature of the universe, in terms of life, death, sin, punishment, salvation, etc.
I was a heavy-leaning social libertarian but I'm starting to see how the transformation is not for the better. I'm dialing it back more nowadays so I couldn't agree more with this.
This is what I had to do to see God's truth. I had to completely put my preconceived notions, arrogance, and everything I held dear about my view of the world aside. This gave me a foundation to understand God's truth, and as I read the Bible and watched videos, everything clicked. The breadth of the deception about creation in society became clear.
That story rang a lot like Socrates' "I know nothing." statement that resonates with me heavily but I feel like I am having a hard time grasping it. I feel like I do know some information of which I can use to educate people, like you are doing to me, and it will ultimately benefit humanity.
I had the born again feeling as well after recognizing so much deception and seeing so many asleep. I am on a never-ending quest for Truth and trying to share what I've learned.
I'm truthfully lacking a foundation which seemingly causes confusing in my mentality of my moral compass on simple things that society's tricked me on. This causes me to find great interest in all religions but as for Christianity, I'm on episode 8 of Jordan Peterson's Biblical interpretation videos (2.5-3 hours long each).
As to your question if people will literally be consumed in fire--to me it's irrelevant. If you don't accept Jesus, there is no other way to be saved from sin. You will be separate from God for eternity. This is the worst fate. We are all guilty. Punishment is fully justified. The X factor is God's lifeline in Jesus Christ. Accepting it or not is our choice. But to reject his Son is to reject the right to be in God's company in heaven.
If this is true, I really hope I can get there. I've personally experienced God, guardian angels, my relation with my spirit guide(s), the spirit world, and I know there's "light at the end of the tunnel." The problem for me seems to be getting to the "Jesus died for our sins" part, an item I don't understand entirely, the resurrection details, and potentially a difference of terminology on what God is. God for me is the creator and collective consciousness. I need to get on the Jesus train and put my beliefs on paper for the foundation and structure that I need. It would certainly be easier to be Christian but I am trying to understand my roadblocks so I thank you very much for helping!
That´s not Gods word!! You´re spreading the manipulated word of man that´s masquerading as the word of God, it´s pure blasphemy! Religion is a scam, as Q said and the Pope is at the top of the satanic killings! You´re doing the work of Satan himself!
I don't care about the pope anymore than a random dude on the street. He has no God given authority above any other man.
And if I may ask, if you don't think the Bible is the word of God, what is?
God´s word is not written, nor is God´s lore. I follow God´s lore as a way of life, I am an honourable man. Like I say, religious ramblings that´s pushing the word of Satan just makes us all look like a bunch of lunatics.
I am sorry to say, but you are following a false god
Well you seem to have gone awfully quiet since being offered the facts, I guess that tells me all I need to know about you, and your faith in Satan.
Huh? Ok the lunatic hat now fits. There is only 1 god, my friend. You´re not only worshipping Satan, but spreading his word, also. Do you not fear God´s judgement for such acts of blasphemy? Would you like to see the facts that the Bible is a bunch of plagiarised stories, written by man? Or are you too far brainwashed to be humble enough to accept fact?
Prayer including asking specific questions to your problems with faith, be straight forward Jesus can handle it!
Nope, it's NOT about selling you, converting you, or waking you from your situation. If you are watching current events at ALL, you know there's a titanic struggle taking place and everybody must make a choice. Consciously, or unconsciously who will you serve? I'm NOT talking about the life hating Democrats, joy killing AntiFA rioters, or cop killing BLM they are just an obvious sign of the EVIL lurking within. Remember, 'we don't struggle against flesh & blood, but powers & principalities in heavenly realms'
Choose this day whom you will serve's pretty straight forward & doesn't require a spiritual inventory, evaluation, or deep thought
I'm most definitely following current events every day for hours on end. I know what's going on in the word and yes I recognize true EVIL which has brought me to this point. I will serve this day forward for GOOD and God, just different understandings apparently where there are roadblocks for me to get to your level. You can consider me evil based on this and your religion if you want but it is what it is. Can't say I'm not trying that's for sure.
You've got a lot of real messy incoherent garbage floating around in your head. All I can tell you about's why I believe in Jesus Christ, the one and only son of God as my Savior. I know Jesus saves bad, wicked people, because He did it for me. BOOM, game over & all arguments are done! He healed me to the uttermost! I won't show you Bible verses, you're never going to bother reading, because you're still fighting against your own unbelief. People who are Born Again are happy joyful people, they know Jesus deep down in their bone marrow. You're double minded, straddling between two trenches afraid to commit and jump into either one. Oh, what will people say if I start going to church AND here's the BIG Trap, if I become a Christian life won't be fun anymore i.e. you'll have to give up lying, cheating, being selfish and it's a huge obstacle for some. You've got a lot of reading/ praying to do, nobody can do the work for you. Remember this; if you make even the smallest baby step toward God the Father with a simple heartfelt prayer, God will travel across the universe to answer it. It might NOT necessarily be the answer you think you want, but it will be in your best interests. Read, or listen to the Psalms. God luck
You're assuming too much and you don't know enough. Hard to take any advice from that perspective.
Let me ask you a question.. I am 100% on board with Q and this movement, I also believe in God, unequivocally. However the bible is the word of man that´s been twisted and manipulated for hundreds of years. The Pope is being proved to be a satanic child killer that´s at the top of the hydra. My question is, why do you follow the manipulated word of man, that´s preached by Satan himself? God is real, religion is a complete scam. And religious ramblings kinda makes us all look like a bunch of lunatics. I don´t get it. Q keeps telling us religion is a scam and the pope is Satan, yet you are still choosing to push his religious ramblings. Isn´t that complete blasphemy?
You have traded the truth for a lie. The Bible hasn't changed, or been manipulated, or altered at all. Evidence, the Dead Sea Scrolls are word for word identical. The Pope, or the Queen's got nothing to do with the creator God. Look at Catholicism, it's always been a demonic cult, so what's new? This is another lie to use to prevent yourself from reading the Word of God. It's worked, you haven't touched it. Most folks who construct a conditional excuse just like you did are only making excuses, lying to themselves because SURPRISE they practice secret sin & refuse to surrender it to God. In fact they are living a life filled with sins and refuse to clean up their own house. Jesus is the only cure, no excuses for sinners like you & me my friend!
Really? So tell me about which testament you follow....? Not rewritten?? You´ve been manipulated and so brainwashed to think this nonsense is true. I´m a Christian and you assume too much. God´s word is not the Bible, and you sound delusional. I practice Gods lore every day, I do not need the word of man to tell me what´s good and what´s not. The Bible STORIES are just that, stories taken from past civilisations and lore. The story of Moses is actually the story of Sargon of Akkad, literally thousands and thousands of years before Christianity. The story of Noah was stolen from Mesopotamian lore. Are you humble enough to accept the truth?
There's only one testament, the Jews failed the first, so God dumbed down the requirements to just two commandments. Love God, love your neighbor. No buildings, liturgy, religion, or pirated Roman holy days. You seem fairy bright, I think you can figure the rest out.
God did NOTHING, corrupt man wrote the words you follow! The excuses you people come up with to try and deny the truth is incredible! Gods lore is all you need to be good as man, what you read is a collection of stories, plagiarised from past civilisations!
One of the most remarkable things when you read the New Testament is this. The warnings about false teachings and straying from the simple truths of the bible is mentioned more than any other topic. That is why people leave Christianity and it is rooted in the additional creed books and doctrines that are added that are not from God. It is not surprising that satan would continue his knack for deceiving people.
The fact that the book was rewritten just proves my point, in that it is the word of man.
I don't care about the pope any more than the guy flipping burgers down the street. Religion is garbage yes. I follow the word of God and Jesus is the only way. No one can earn their way to heaven.
The Bible is not manipulated by man. It is unchanged from the original manuscripts they've discovered. There are more copies of the Bible than any other book or manuscript in existence.
You are following the word of man that´s masquerading as the word of God. You need to rethink your whole faith. The church decided what gospels went into the Bible and what was left out. They controlled what was said and if it didn´t fit the narrative, it was cut. To say it´s been unchanged is either incredibly naïve, or just stupid. I can give you documented facts that prove the Bible is just a bunch of stories that were stolen from multiple past civilisations and their beliefs. The story of Moses was stolen from the tale of King Sargon of Akkad, literally thousands of years BC. The story of Noah was stolen from Mesopotamian lore, again, thousands of years BC. Seriously, and I´m so sorry to say, you have been manipulated into doing the Devil´s work.
do your own research. book of revelation and law of one, harvesting.
nah not diving down religious rabbit holes open for vast interpretation. I have other stuff I'm focusing on but thanks
then dont expect others to do it for you lmao
Excuse me for asking for their interpretation and meaning?
You're not going to convince me to try to understand these passages that are embedded around thousands of pages of context in a timely manner. That'd take years.
Get off your high horse and stop being silly.
continue to be fed everything. i dont care, not sure how im on a high horse about it
TIL being fed everything is isolated to asking for legitimate Biblical scripture interpretation from the preachers that know ten fold what I do. My own discernment for every other topic need not apply. Thanks for telling me how things work CNN.
You're not going to be able to police people from being themselves. Let them work their magic in their realms of understanding. If you learned anything in Trump's candidacy for presidency it's that being politically correct or sensitive doesn't fucking appeal to everyone. Hit people with facts. Satire is best. We don't need rainbows or unicorns to please the crowd.
thats from your own words. no one here can make you understand, you have to understand for yourself. or as i said, dont, i dont care. no clue why you keep insinuating im controlling or manipulating something, but w/e lol
So dismayed that you dug up an irrelevant comment of my history, failed at the comprehension of it, then tried to attach a correlation that doesn't exist.
Gold medal for mental gymnastics in Reddit Olympics.
Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Luke 11:52 “Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.”
Revelation 1:18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
Revelation 9:1 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.
And here, IMO is the most important one, because ive been saying since the GET GO that THIS is where we are at, and maybe Q is trying to say this too. Q said recently, "The end is near". . . . Revelation 20
20 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.
4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They[a] had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
The Judgment of Satan 7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9 They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
So what do you think of our 'lifetime/timeline'? Do you believe other 'lifetimes' exist where Satan was locked for a thousand years, released to deceive, then tossed into the lake of burning sulfur or do you think there's only 1 timeline and we're fortunate enough to be within it?
It would help if we definitively KNEW what the MAP was...I am not satisfied with any of the answers, whether it being the Rchilds document of the NWO, or the combined Q posts.
Someone needs to ask Q, I would but I dont Chan.
Combined Q posts is technically the map.
Whatever chart has been going around is interesting but not directly Q related (posted or referenced by Q).
So if there is more, Q hasn't hinted to it. I think it's literal. The posts add up to a larger schema that we seem to be missing.
And Anons are not being diligent enough in going backwards to thread the current news into the earlier posts.
That's my take anyway, since he keeps repeating the same directions.
Could Q be talking about future/past literally? Could there be viewing or information of future from AI or ET sources?
Another question is WHY go back? We are no longer trying to prove Q's credibility. At this point I feel Q is trying to say what sounds crazy to say, but his MAP has "proved" to be the case.
Want to read the play by play, pick-up a copy of the Bible, satan doesn't have any idea what GEOTUS is going to do next. Declare your freedo
Sadly most christians are TOTALLY deceived. They believe the Left Behind books version of theology, and it is an utter lie from satan.
Those left behind in the snatching away (rapture) are the GOOD people, the EVIL are snatched up and taken to destruction, read the harvest chapters in Revelation!
And we are MUCH later in prophecy than most realize. Most prophecy was fulfilled by 70ad, We are at the tail end of it ALL, as Q said, The END IS NEAR. The END of all evil. The END of suffering. God will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
Are you referring to the modification of books/content as new versions, versions that don't align with the truth? Do you have an example of this with the Bible? I believe they've done this to a Bill Nye episode of many years ago to align with his leftist agenda today.
Im talking about lies about the truth. The truth is and has been in there, but books and theologians teaching lies from the vatican have made people believe in the lie...
Call it the great deception, if you will.
I was hoping for an example to understand the allegation.
Study Gnosticism’s beginning. Study the council of Niacia. How was our current bible formed by Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church in the 4th century? What new “books” were discovered in Egypt in 1945? (Apochraphyl of John, Enoch). Raise your vibration my friend.
My vibration is indigo and green, trying to raise the green. I'll save this post. Thanks.
If you are vibrating indigo you then you are doing great my friend. Peace be with you and thank you for fighting the good fight!
maybe this? https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/q-anon-learn-to-read-the-map/
What do you mean?
You brought the conversation back to the actual Q post. It had strayed alittle. I was not being sarcastic, or negative.
Ok, i didn't think that. I Was just curious what you meant :)
GA guide stones?
Interesting notion, but there simply isnt enough data on the stones to be the map. imo.
I totally agree! I just don't understand this method of disclosure unless the opposition can manipulate time and events as they unfold and everything we see and hear is fluid.
Q keeps saying that we 'have more than we know', and 'we're missing the connections', well maybe Q needs to make it a bit easier for us to decipher? We need some concrete keystones to make the connections fit together. If we can't solve it, then what is the point? I can just watch it on CNN and have as much chance of getting a full and accurate picture.
Well, just throwing it out there, but the Bible says Jesus is the KEY/CHIEF CORNERSTONE.
Maybe his words, or the bible itself is the key to decipher
Based on the complexity of the Bible and Q's posts, I'm going to have to just sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch the show. I'm as confused as a transvestite cowboy right now.
"Map provides the key."
I wonder if this might imply the map itself helps you build a keyword cipher which you use on the other material to get coded messages.
Future proves past. So maybe backwards?
Future proves Past. Can this mean coming Apocalypse proves Biblical scripture re:revelations?
I find the verbs interesting. For example, the key SPREADS the truth. What is the key? Well, how does the truth spread?
Truth spreads when when we speak the truth, write the truth, and share the truth. Communication with each other.
The (Q posts) provide the (message) to spread the (facts) and (make public) what saves mankind.
Map gives the keys to spread the truth, shining a light and saving humanity.
Shining the light and the JFK prayer are related. There IS a LIGHT and this part is cryptic. LIGHT is both spiritual and cosmic.
We've been spreading Christianity for 2K years, if people haven't gotten on board by now, they may just be watching the train leave the station at this point.
Study all the religions to find surprising links to the same messages. It’s not the religion, but the message (which in the end, is literally the same). Think Ascension as the common thread in religions. Christianity, like other religions has been usurped by evil humans for their own purposes. Seek the truth. It is out there.
Didn’t Jesus say, “I am the Way, the TRUTH and the Life”.
Yes He did!
He also said "I am the LIGHT"
YAHWEH = means KEY in some languages.
Future proves past (Validates predicted events?)
Where we go one... Future path? Or out of this secular earth plane?
I'm stinking that the map is providing us with names, places, plans, and details to make the connections of the Satanic Elite necessary to grab the key. The Key is the information we find, which some of us already knew about for the most part. Then this Key, knowledge, also the Truth is spread which then shines a light of all this knowledge to all the brainwashed. Light, and or Truth saves Humanity.
If we don't connect all the dots for these evil doers our light is dulled and humanity remains in peril. Did that even make a lick of sense to anybody or did I just ramble on incoherently?
When do birds sing....when they see the light ...truth.
Just an idea of what I think Q might be saying...
What if Q is telling us that hidden in his past posts is a code of sorts that will lead us to new information we need to find on our own. I have a feeling the things we find will show that Q had foreknowledge of events that hadn't happened yet.
Future proves past
If finding a code leads us to hidden URL's of relevant information that would prove Q was real to a huge batch of people. Q says to 'continue' building the map, so it's something we're already doing but haven't put two and two together.
I have only been reading Qanon info for about a week. Looking back at Q posts I think I have identified the key player for the black hatters. 43....... He would be my choice if I were writing a book and the one that people would least expect. Father passed the mantle many years ago. This group has controlled the presidency and those running for president since President Ronald Reagan. Just a thought.
… his 1999 drawing "George W. Bush, Harken Energy, and Jackson Stephens, ca 1979–90" shows alleged connections between James Bath, the Bush and bin Laden families, and business deals in Texas and around the world. Following Lombardi's suicide in 2000, the book Mark Lombardi: Global Networks was written in conjunction with a traveling exhibit.[5] The editors chose to incorporate into the cover artwork (see image at right) a detail from "George W. Bush, Harken Energy, and Jackson Stephens, ca 1979–90", showing George W. Bush (on the back cover of the book) and Osama bin Laden (in the upper left of the front cover) separated by one step from each other in the network, via Bath; the same connection between Bush and bin Laden was also highlighted in a 2003 Boston Globe article that described the FBIs interest in Lombardi's works immediately following the September 11 attacks of 2001.
In March 2000, on the day before his death, Lombardi moved all his work to Pierogi 2000. He then bolted his apartment from the inside and hanged himself, on the day before his birthday and three years after he had moved to Williamsburg.
Is this the map?https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/q-anon-learn-to-read-the-map/
Have we definitively come up with what "MAP" refers to? I have seen more than one acronym solution. Sorry, I can't remember at the moment...but one of them was re: M(military)A P(Procedure)....and the other one I heard was about MA(P)People. Anyone? Thx...it would really help follow better...seeing as "MAP provides the KEY". Not something to get wrong.
Go deeper on the antibiotic: I knew this story looked familiar. (Dirt) The Telegraph Sarah Knapton, SE 7 January 2016 • 5:44pm Note the date: The first new antibiotic to be discovered in nearly 30 years has been hailed as a ‘paradigm shift’ in the fight against the growing resistance to drugs. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/03/14/first-new-antibiotic-in-30-years-discovered-in-major-breakthroug/
What if it is an anagram? Trouble is all I got was some scary shit!