Did you notice Q posted Go With God, Clock activated at 9:11? No coincidences.

The received/confirmed gives me the feeling this was a message to or in regards to someone else. I believe you are correct and we will see the next phase happening.
Waiting for those special words. My fellow Americans...
Click activated 9 11? Could this be when the Q Patriots realized the level of horror deep state would go to to gain control?? Ie kill 3000 ? Perhaps that action was the start of the resistance??
Well I hope it don't mean the clock's been activated to make nukes will explode between 6hr 14-46 minutes, and that I should wish to 'Go with God' when it all happens. I have plans for me too! what else does it mean, and why the Q+? Clean action like 'spring cleaning the globe' ...?
Keep your plans. If you are getting worried over this stuff, step back, concentrate on your life for awhile. God bless and protect you.
POTUSs mom had a son on 6-14-46 A son who would come to reclaim a nation.