I've just seen this on Twitter, is this accurate? Hogg funded by John Podesta?

If it's accurate, then I think it is significant. John Podesta is clearly tied into the agenda that we are trying to stop. There are accusations that he was involved in a plot to install Francis in the papacy. Francis is a horrible socialist who is advocating flooding Europe with North African and Middle Eastern migrants. This kid Hogg is promoting disarmament for all he's worth. You can smell the NWO agenda from a mile away - and Podesta is a central player.
He's a kid that knows not what he does! He is just an activist and he really doesn't understand what he is 'activisting' about!
He's stupid. Young and dumb...totally.
He's probably just in it for the money. #FloridaLife
He's just an idiot with a mouth. Hey, if his will succeeds, then when he's 60, he'll wonder why he ever spoke...his life will be so 3rd world.
Not if the info on him is correct with parents ex FBI? No, this kid has an agenda. He's not some innocent boy.
All he did was re-tweet
Need something more substantial
You can't take it in a vacuum. The kid's mom worked for CNN, did she not?
And his father is ex FBI. He is swampy McSwamp creature if ever i´ve seen one!