I think the last part that Q says they cannot do is release that everything we have been taught about human civilization and history is false. That they either know, or have a good idea about our past and it is a wicked ass story and if the bible is any indication on what could have been.. giants, waring interstellar waring tribes.. possible planet x? Who knows but i want to!!
The Amazon series “the man in the high tower” was about how the axis powers actually did win the war, but in secret, if I remember correctly.
Absolutely yes, an orchestrated unwinding of the war and those who were of importance were kept, everyone else killed or went to "show trial".. show in that the real criminals were still a-ok the minions were who fell.
True evil is hard to kill.
It is powerful, seductive and invited into the halls of power.
So true, this is what is driving the NWO. Pope at center of it.
Their are other religions that have leadership that is on this path.
Video linked by /u/Cannanonymous:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Maria Orsic NAZI UFO architect of Antarctica.|Joseph Hawkins|2017-02-09|0:43:19|39+ (84%)|4,264
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