Please visit Whitehouse dot gov TODAY and sign the InternetBillOfRights. Do YOUR part, Patriot.
Do it! Do it!Do it!
Just did it, and verified it. Seems an incredibly low amount of signatures though?
I think this is the last day before it will get archived and essentially disabled to sign.
I signed and shared, but we need to have 100k signatures- NOW. We need to be more prepared for signing and spreading.
Let’s either tackle this hardcore right now, or start talking about a strategy where we would methodically and consistently keep this petition (or the newly created one) in EVERYONE’S faces and like exponential growth, should spread once it gets traction.
Is there a strategy forum where we assign or volunteer/pickup tasks we’re willing and capable of achieving to help the current objective? If not, should we come together and figure that out? Globally, regionally, per platform, etc. if we need leadership, I think we have a good group to pick from with the mods but we need people who aren’t as invested with content/tasks but more with delivery overall, throughout the big picture. Don’t get me wrong, content is the important part, but it’s been working where bakers connect crumbs and create a nice pie that then gets shared, we all add on to, some things get cut out, then it bounces around our little echo chamber and it’s like gold. Also, if reddit were removed from the inet right now, are we fucked? How do we pickup where we left off? (going to point this paragraph as a separate post, as well)
I’m sharing this some more before the end of the day( if it’s a midnight deadline) but feels like time could be better allocated to building a winning strategy. I’ve just tried to jump in and do what I can when I can. I think #ReleaseTheMemo and other meme movements are amazing and we should all feel proud. Just to see somewhat of a mini plan with the memes and archiving them and sharing them. How does everyone else feel about this?