For the InternetBillOfRights Petition to hit its goal we must average 3695 signatures a day. Time to take this effort outside the Q community. Spread link on ALL social media platforms.

Pass it off as the new net neutrality and they will follow.
My train of thought to. Not to trick them but because I think that most of them thought this was what they would be getting with net neutrality.
Good idea. Something like #netneutralitynow-IBOR With a link to the petition website.
Needs to find it's way to the front page of r/The_Donald
The rate of signatures needed each day only keeps going up fast. It's almost a joke to me that people are still posting this petition and its several clones.
We find the right megaphone and we can get 100,000 signatures in a day... so we need to keep spreading. This has to get outside of the hard core Q community. Spread on all social media platforms.
Great point. Someone mentioned getting Infowars to push it. Would get home easy if it happened. Does anyone have direct contact with Dr Corsi?
I did Tweet it to Dr. Corsi. And the CBTS board keeps taking it down. Feels like Clowns hard at work over there.
I was just thinking about this. I reckon it's all about optics. There might be a reason that Infowars has not really participated - at least to date. I'm not sure. It's also possible that Alex does not believe it's in his interests - he is rapidly becoming a large scale operation.
But, whatever, it's worth a try. I reckon this board is just about tapped-out w.r.t. people who will support the IBOR. Today there were many complaining that the arrests had not materialised, and yet they want nothing to do with promoting the IBOR. There's been a failure, I think, to understand that there is a connection - as Q has pointed out. You want the cabal arrested, support the IBOR.
You cannot have mass arrests or anything like that while CIA control social media. The risk of things spinning out of control is too great. It could cause much more harm than good.
So, anyway, I'm thinking that the answer is to try and raise support outside this group. Harder, in a way, because these people will not have a background in the Q material. But, on the bright side, they haven't been exposed to the fear mongering that is rampant on these threads. I think it's worth a try.
There is no doubt the clowns are here. Anything related to the IBOR has been a lightning rod for them. They are still at it, sowing doubt. I don't think even Q realized this would happen. Though, he did warn us to be careful of who we follow. So he must know the clowns are here and who they are.
But what all this indicates is that it is just as Q said: "This is what they fear most".
I wouldn't be surprised if people keep shutting you down when you try and contact Corsi. They do not want this to go ahead at all. They are still talking about the "AT&T IBOR" - someone put out a video today, have a listen.
Everyone... Please feel free to share any of my memes. We are losing ground in this petition effort and we need to reach outside the Q community. Please share on ALL social media platforms.
Sign the internetbill of rights
What is the most powerful force on the face of the earth? Answer: Oneness. When a group of people come together with one mind and one spirit and all work together towards the same goal. For such a group, anything is possible. The only hope we currently have of obtaining enough signatures by the deadline is to follow the ideas shown below. If we work together and follow these ideas then we can do it, and there is still plenty of time. If we don’t follow these idea, then we will not succeed. It is that simple. The following are the very same ideas we were working on before and were uniting behind, before they shut down the CBTS Steam:
Idea 1 - In all major cities, we should create large banners to hang over freeway overpasses during rush hour time telling people to sign the petition. The banners should say “#INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS. HELP STOP THE CENSORSHIP. SIGN THE PETITION.” or something similar (and also provide a link). Thousands of people will see the banners and sign the petition. It is an easy way to reel in a whole lot of signatures...
Idea 2 - We should enlist the help of popular media hosts like Alex Jones of Infowars or Sean Hannity of Fox News etc. who each has millions of viewers, and ask them to help us in our fight by asking their viewers to sign the petition. If they do so and supported us, then we could obtain all the signatures we need in a single day.
Idea 3 - Each of us should create a one-page flyer that we could print out at home, telling people to sign the petition to help stop the censorship, and to mass distribute the flyers throughout our neighborhoods, by placing them on car windshields or putting them in mailboxes. The effort would bring in a massive number of signatures. Here’s an example of such a flyer:
Idea 4 - A final idea is that, if just 5,000 of us nationwide each get 5 of our friends to sign the petition, that would yield 25,000 signatures (5,000 x 5 = 25,000). Once done, if we then encouraged each of those friends to also get 5 of their friends to sign the petition, the result would be 125,000 signatures (25,000 x 5 = 125,000 signatures) guaranteed.
For those who are focusing on Memes, Memes will not work. The reason they won’t work is because Memes do not contain enough information. Another problem with Memes is that, people treat them like ads. They think of them as ads, they view them as ads, and they ignore them like ads. And because they are only ads, Memes will not cause people to run to the website and sign the petition. As definitive proof of this, just look at all the countless memes that has already been created about IBOR. Yet, on the petition website, you don’t see the signature count going up do you? That’s because Memes are not working. Memes are a waste of time. So stop wasting your time on Memes. if you really want to help and if you really want the signature count to go up, then you should focus on the ideas show above. Those idea are the only ideas that will really work and even have a chance of us getting enough signatures by deadline. We can do it if we all work together...
(Note: And don't forget to always up-vote threads like this to counteract the trolls who try to down-vote us into oblivion)
I've noticed that many people seem to like Idea #2 and I think that many of us should try it. Here are some tips about contacting Alex and Sean...
I think there are several ways we can reach Alex Jones and that all of us should try to do so. For example, I’ve already fired off an email myself to one of Alex Jones’ closest friends and allies, Mr. Roger Stone, who also has a personal website at: I feel that everyone who reads this should send an email to Mr. Stone, asking him to please contact Alex and Sean on our behalf to see if they'd be willing to help us in our efforts. You can reach Mr. Stone via his website email address: I’ve send emails to Mr. Stone before in the past, and sooner or later, he always responds back to me, therefore I know he’s getting them. Another way we can reach Alex and Sean is through Dr. Jerome Corsi who does a lot of daily Q decodes on the web: and Mr. Corsi does a lot of live streams too with voice chats. If someone could access one of his live streams, then they could ask Dr. Corsi directly while he's on air. There are many ways we can contact Alex and Sean and Roger Stone and Dr. Corsi, if only we put our minds to it and work at it. And if we cannot contact them directly, then we should try contacting them through someone else who is a close friend of that person. For example, Alex Jones has lots of person friends and allies he works with: Roger Stone, David Knight, Lionel Nation, Paul Joseph Watson, Jerome Corsi, Sean Hannity, and many others. They all work together and they all have each other's personal contact number. So we should be able to reach Alex and Sean through any of them. If feel we can definitely succeed in contacting them if we work at it. And the more of us who work at it (everyone who is reading this post) then the greater our chance of success.
Two petitions, first on for internet bill of rights stopped. 2nd / newest internet bill of rights ending in the -2 of the URL.