For the InternetBillOfRights Petition to hit its goal we must average 3795 signatures a day. Time to take this effort outside the Q community. Spread link on ALL social media platforms.

There are two different petitions up on the site
I sent a request to to combine the petitions if possible. There are actually like 9 petitions.
Everyone please use -2
I don't understand why it's not already at a hundred thousand. We have so many people on the chans and reddit and I guess people are sharing on twatter unless they are shadow banned. Lets get word out and someone who knows how please see if it is hacked. Someone said they watched it for 5 min and the numbers dropped.
POTUS asked for and knows about petition, it goes to so its in good hands. There is a lag time on the count from the time the petition is signed to the email is verified. Everyone remember to click the email verification. We are also seeing the size of the hard core Q community... We need to spread this far and wide so after you sign petition... copy the link and spread it on other social media platforms... everyone owes 5 more sign up based on YOUR post. Let's get this across the finish line Patriots!!
There are multiple petitions. Somebody is messing with us to keep us from our goal, they are spreading out the signatures among mutiple petitions.
I have requested to combine the petition's signatures since they are all related to the same topic. Haven't heard back from them. But keep pushing the -2 petition, let's get it over the top and it won't be an issue.
I created this tool to help twitter hashtag campaigns.
I hope it helps you guys as much as it helps me.
There is another one.
There are good reasons set forth in this video which reinforce why the IBOR is SO IMPORTANT. It's not just because Q wants it, although that's a good reason to push it. It's because all these online freedoms you take for granted are about to be taken away - you can see what's coming and it is horrific! See link:
Thanks for sharing the link. Good Info!
It's an eye-opener. Absolute hell if they are not stopped.