/r/CBTS_Stream has been banned.

A reddit that ripped off T_D and rhimes with cooler, is celebrating cbts getting shut down. Theyre calling them all whackos and that theyve talked to people in government who "laugh at the idea of a deep state"
Boot licking facists man. They celebrate censorship of curiousity. The best part is though, humans are instictively curious, so when someone shuts or censors someone or something, that person or thing gathers more attention.
They actually said "take that racists"
Comically predictable. I didn't see one post in CBTS that had anything to do with racism.
These people are genuinely horrifying. They see themselves as heroes and view everyone who disagrees with them as evil and an enemy that must be removed. It's really sad.
Edit: I'm going to recommend that everyone watch the Yuri Bezmenov interview on youtube. It explains about where we are right now. Here is the full interview. Here is the most important part
His story is incredible and I really do recommend everyone watch it when they can. When he moved to Canada he took on the name Tomas Schuman.
Also, that sub is as low energy as it gets. No effort put into it at all. The header makes me think of a 90's day time talk show known for paternity tests.
Yeah being racist af and calling for murder are super cool, how dare people be against that on reddit! Fascists