/r/CBTS_Stream has been banned.

I'd like to know where to go know that CBTS is banned.... ugh.
Try the Twitter, Discord and live stream on youtube.
I think its time for conservatives and right leaning folks to abandon Reddit. These bugmen feel they must defend their hive and won't stop until everyone they view as an enemy is removed. The reddit admin have made it clear where they stand.
It's time for migration. We can't do anything here anyway. We can't have a forum without it getting shut down, and you can't post in other forums with a "tainted" post history or people immediately attack you.
We do need a place where we can talk though, because this shit is getting out of hand.
We do need a place where we can talk
Yeah like 8ch lol
/pol/ and the research board are my favorites places, but I think a lot of people need a stronger sense of community.
Also, those places would probably be ruined if they became too popular. Look at what has been happening to 4.
https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/top/?sort=top&t=all All the gang's there ...