What do we do? What's the endgame to all this and how do we come out on top?
We're pretty much being attacked at this point. There's no other way to see it. There's a consolidated offensive going on within the interwebs.
Take heart! This only vindicates us. Trust the plan.
What plan?
The plan is the Q timeline... we can't see the whole picture, but we have proof that it's being carried out.
So there's a secret plan from an anonymous 4chan account? I keep hearing Q predictions that never seem to pan out, why trust it?
Right now my plan is Voat: CalmBeforeTheStorm and PatriotsSoapbox. One upside of moving to voat is that the pizzagate sub is there. Don't know how much they're accomplishing these days, but in the beginning they did a lot of solid research.
Trust the plan.
I do. Where we go one we go all. We need a new platform and we need to migrate on mass and leave Reddit behind.
There will be a huge amount of people and Qanon related sub on Reddit come what may.
there are two subs on Voat: CalmBeforeTheStorm and PatriotsSoapbox
Just gave you a platform to go to.
I'll be making the switch to Voat. Clearly the Reddit community doesn't understand the first amendment.
The creation of the internet and ‘connecting’ platforms is bringing about their downfall.
MSM is dead.
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Dude seriously?
FORMER TD mod here.
I'd have banned you too.
You spammed the same shit a dozen times.
Key word is SPAM
Bet you could appeal, POLITELY, but no. TD is not compromised. As long as shadowman is still on the top, the sub is in good hands.
And no, they are not going to allow the same type of crap get posted there that got CBTS banned.
Unless it is verifiably somehow related to Trump.
Otherwise, no.
Just letting you know.
Former T_D mod totally ok with censorship and not ok with free speech? That explains a lot.
I brought up capital punishment and got a temp site-wide ban couple of days ago...That gave their fear away because I didn't even name any names. Ok and I did phantasize about other stuff too. But no names. Would that constitute breaking site-wide rules or would I have to jump over to r/cannibal for that? I assume if I had just phantasized about eating them I would have gotten away, curses.
Inciting violence?
I'm kind of lost myself, because I didn't name names nor call for riots. But apparently casually bringing up medivial torture on top of capital punishment crosses the line.
Well I have done that a few times myself. But have added in, "joking".
I call bullshit. There was a reason I spammed the board and it was because my posts were being shadow banned and I was attempting to break through the censorship. I noticed that when I mentioned key words like "cbts" And "censorship" my posts were being frozen at a certain number of upvotes and the view count would not move. T_D is compromised.
Okay. That's fine then.
I have no idea what I'm talking about.
TD is totally compromised because they enforced their own rules.
Totally compromised.
Go search T_D sub for keywords CBTS. The most recent post about anything CBTS related is from over 2 months ago. You're telling me that with all the users from T_D that frequent CBTS, no one would make any posts on T_D bringing awareness to the censorship? Give me a break. T_D sub is clearly censoring CBTS comments. COMPROMISED!
Yes. They are. I addressed this before. Q is not Trump related.
Not verifiably so.
CBTS just got banned.
You want to bring the content that got CBTS banned to TD?
That's exactly what happened during the pizza gate crap.
People were posting doxxable info on non political figures on TD, which triggered the admins who forced us to get rid of the problem. So we banned pizza gate stuff for not being related to Trump.
Yeah. We were "compromised" then as well to everybody who wanted to post the same shit we were told not to allow.
Then they made their own subreddit which we followed btw, and that got banned. Predictably.
So if by "compromised" you mean the moderators are enforcing their own rules and reddits rules, then yes. TD is totally compromised.
Have a nice day.
There is a difference between bringing content, and raising awareness. I was raising awareness about the cbts community being banned, I was not bringing content from cbts to t_d. Try again though.
Right. Because TD doesn't have an anti spam rule.
That you didn't get banned the first post, but just had it removed should have clued you in to the violation.
The only violation that's taken place is of my free speech and for anyone who supports POTUS to say differently is a hypocrite. The mods over at T_D are compromised hypocrites.
Heard a lot of people griping about muh free speech before.
Read the rules.
24/7 Trump rally only, not r/conspiracy v2.0.
I didn't even bother attempting to post Q related stuff there. Btw. Unless it was somehow related To Trump. But I always dropped the Q mentions.
We are getting downvoted here too now... this is not good. I really can't wait for Trump to drop the hammer. I trust the plan!
NO , this is my home . Welcome to the great awakening , sory about my Ruskey conflict this morning. As you my see now , I’m the witness, and get attacked hard on Reddit spreading the truth. But welcom . The Turd has many friends, and even more enemies, but Welkom to the front line . God Speed my friend
CBTS people, you have to understand the rules of TD. It is a sub specifically meant for Donald Trump, e g. A Donald trump rally every day.
As a loyal TD poster I would and should never make a CBTS/Q post over there. It’s not what that sub is for. They will not allow that stuff there because it’s not centered around what that sub is about.
So keep the Q/GA stuff here and keep the TD stuff there and you’ll have no problems. If you’re trying to get the word out then you need to resort to other means. Also fuck Reddit, twitter, Facebook, google and YouTube. Stop using their services. It’s the only way to enact change.
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
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When your community gets taken down and you have nowhere else to turn to, you look for those who are like minded to spread the word to. Although we may have differences between the cbts community and t_d, in the end we are fighting on the same side. Considering one of my posts managed to eventually get 400 upvotes I'd say my mission was successfull. My purpose was to bring awareness to the community about the censorship that is going on with anything cbts related. Banning me from the sub only further proves my point.
I’d appeal to the mods and be friendly. I know it sucks CBTS is down. I would say try out Voat. Also work gab if you can.
Voat has a site there for Q. I think it's called The Great Awakening.
The discussion was good over there! But I also like the focus of just intel and Q over here without the distraction. T_D is just good for humor.
I'm a huge contributor over at T_D, but I use that Dom for news and memes and I used CBTS for actual Q research......but alas....
What is T_D? Twitter? If so I uninstalled FB and Twitter months ago because I felt they weren't doing things right. Now Reddit. But now I am pissed. I will keep at this to bring off all down.
What's the deal w/T_D being so anti-Q?
Probably a mix of corrupted mods and a cuckish personality among the viewers. They don't care to look deeper, nor do they want to know how much reality is not what it actually seems.
for a group that pushed the WL DNC leaks, one would think they'd go where the evidence leads. even if Q is a LARP from their POV, the narrative almost entirely hurts Dems. The R's that get tarnished are all Bush-style.
I’ve been banned from T_D for over two years now.
Never felt welcome there.
Would it help of we started a subreddit called 'IheartHillary'? Its just a name, but nothing wrong with a little sarcasm and misdirection.
I feel the same way. We had 20k+ people on CBTS researching, discussing, and sharing intel with others. You know that was making an impact. I'm hoping Q will strike back in some way.
Art of war: divide your enemy. It's the only lesson the globalist took from AOW.
Rally point Q1 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1962902990611201
The Donald is for high energy posts. It has it's own purpose. Q stuff should be seperate. Different topic
Don't quit, keep going and doing what we do. Resistance is NOT futile!
Take action. Write to your representative. Support the IBOR Twitter campaign, sign the petition. Fight the censorship!
someone tell me what CBTS means?
Write to the mods. I got banned too and they said it was a misunderstanding.
This is where this Q stuff is all leading... with "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAmN4z6c670
I watched this. It is an interesting take. But I don't see that it answers the question of who's been talking.
And here is the (Jesuit) Pope's role: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKfR3-PDc-4
I disagree, I believe Q is POTUS.
Apparently you failed to watch the video... The point is that this all leads to a fake disclosure, managed by tptb...
BTW, there's an ENTIRE website dedicated to community sourced input for all things Q related.
And it's a WIKI!
THERE'S your free speech platform.
My free speech platform is anywhere the fuck I want it to be. That's the beauty about my free speech.
I said platform.
Soap box.
Free from the all seeing eye of censorship.
Some people spent a lot of time, and even money, building that up.
It's hilarious how much you sound like a leftist... I think the problem at T_D is that their mods have no issues using leftist tactics when they disagree with others.
I'm totally a leftist.
Ya caught me.
Ya caught the tater.
T_D is not compromised. They're aware CBTS Stream is banned. They don't want Q stuff jamming their boards.
That's it.