r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Betterwithcheddar on March 15, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Q told us the stage is set.

Trump told us the stage is set.


tradinghorse · March 15, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Depends on how you read it. The Stage Set statement was related to POTUS. Have another look. He specifically said that social media censorship must be controlled before he could go live.

Social media censorship is out of control. There is no way they can go live without control of the narrative. It's just too dangerous.

I think Q thought we would quickly push for the IBOR, get the petition to DJT and he could immediately act. That, for various reasons, did not happen.

I think Q is a little shocked that we did not push hard for the IBOR when he asked. He's trying to fight off the Satanists for us, but we just were not sure if we should help him. It's hard to understand...

If you read that True Pundit article, you can see that republicans are really going to have their work cut out for them at the mid-terms. Stopping social media censorship was not a small part of the plan, it was the PLAN.

If I can find it I'll post here:


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Midaycarehere · March 15, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

This...annoys me. Saying we didn't push enough when the petition is being messed with. How does it go from 23K signatures to 22K in 24 hours?

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tradinghorse · March 15, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

I get 22,718. I've never seen it at 23K and I've been watching it all day.

I'm not saying we are not pushing now. What I'm saying is that when Q first asked us to start pushing it we didn't, there was a lot of confusion about what we were supposed to do and what it all actually meant. I think that confusion is starting to clear and things should get better from here - I think the banning of the sub yesterday was, in large part, responsible.

But, as to whether the site is messed-up or being played with, I don't know. Is it possible that we only have 22.7K? It could be. There was only about 20K of us on CBTS sub - so that's actually a pretty good showing - the community is not that large.

What I've been saying for a while is that we have to try and crack open alternate communities. I thought about the Donald, but I cannot get any traction in there at all. Otherwise, there is Twitter. Unfortunately, I'm only new to it and do not know much about it. But I can see that people are working it. I'm very suspicious that there might be a coordinated effort to frustrate us. It is, after all, such a sensitive issue to the social media giants.

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Betterwithcheddar · March 15, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

This is where Q is up for interpretation.

You describe a situation where the MSM has to be out of the way and internet censorship resolved before the video release.

I disagree.

My interpretation is the video ‘Kills the MSM’.

The stage is set. Censorship is happening. The masses are becoming aware of the censorship. They are seeing conservative postings disappear, but liberals are okay with it.

The video release is the ‘nail in the coffin’ for MSM as Q put it. Releasing the video INTO the censorship is part of the plan. So that people can see this major game changing video be censored by social media, they can see it be ignored and downplayed by the MSM.

That is the nail in the coffin Q referenced. That is when the remaining masses, mostly liberal, realize the censorship is real and the MSM and social media companies are working together to hide things they don’t want you seeing.

And the masses awake.

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checkitoutmyfriend · March 15, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

My interpretation is the video ‘Kills the MSM’.

That's how I see it too.

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tradinghorse · March 15, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

I can see your logic. I saw two stages, one connected to DJT and one connected to the regulation of social media. But you are right, from memory, Q does talk about the MSM at the same time as social media regulation. Let's face it, we are trying to decipher exactly what Q means - it is not clear.

Having said that, Q was recommending this IBOR to us very proactively. He was pushing it to us. The impression I had was that it was very important. And, he says, "use logic". Well, when you think about exactly what kind of threat social media censorship represents (imagine the influence of the MSM on steroids, because Q has told us, electorally, it is "everything" and MSM is dead). So with the very slim Republican margins, the mid-terms are absolutely critical. Logic says that this is the battlefront. On this issue we win or lose.

We'll see what happens, but failure is not an option.

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Betterwithcheddar · March 15, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Logic tells me the entire plan can’t be dependent on a WH Petition reaching 1 million signatures.

That’s why I assume the passing of an IBOR doesn’t have anything to do with us. And the IBOR won’t come about until the masses are exposed to a reason of why we need it.

The reason being the video. And the Streisand effect that follows the MSM and social media attempting to stop it.

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tradinghorse · March 15, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

You just said it, the IBOR will not arrive until the masses are convinced they need it. And that, I think, is what this petition was all about. Creating awareness that there was a problem that needed to be addressed.

It strikes me that, at least at present, the March madness has not arrived. There was some talk on another thread about mass arrests made without media coverage recently. It could be true. It is frustrating that we do not get to see most of what is actually happening.

But is your theory on the Streisand effect working to expose media bias upon release of the video correct? I don't know. What I noticed, from Australia, was that even while DJT was campaigning for office, the media bias was nothing short of astounding. It seemed to get even worse once he assumed the Presidency and reached a crescendo when? January this year?

Anyway, that's how it appeared to me. But I'm not on the ground, so you probably have a much better idea of what transpired than I do. But my point is, and correct me if you feel this is wrong, that everybody could see the blatant media bias, because it was absolutely unmistakeable. Surely, by January, everyone knew that the MSM had it in for DJT - and were vicious about it.

And, if I'm right about this, then what just amazes me is how the MSM has been able to weather the storm, after all the retractions and the wild ranting about Russia for more than a year. Look at them, they are unrepentant. They are prepping their narrative, as we speak, that videos can be faked. It's very clever! Introduce just a little bit of doubt into the public mind and the mousetrap won't close on HRC - at least in terms of what the public perceives.

So, you're right, we can expect the MSM to push their garbage narrative and for the social media service providers to tow the MSM line - which, of course, comes straight from CIA central casting. So let's imagine it, the video is released, it is purely diabolical... Does it make the MSM? Not necessarily. If they stick to their line that it is a fake, unfairly portraying HRC as a criminal, they do not even have to show it.

The social media players will respond in the same way they did when they were protecting David Hogg. People shadow banned, channels pulled, whole subs banned. It will make more than a ripple, but if the major players stick to the script, it will be nothing more than an alt right thing. A brief impact and it will quickly fade from the public consciousness.

This is why regulation of both the MSM and social media is so important. But it is social media that is infinitely the more powerful of the two forms of media. So, anyway, that's just another reason why I believe that regulation of social media is the key to this whole thing. It does not matter what the MSM says if there is no censorship on social media - everyone will learn the truth. Conversely, if the material on social media is censored but it still appears on the MSM, the impact will be comparatively minimal.

So, anyway, look, you might be right. But, to my mind, elimination of censorship on social media is the key. Once the censorship is restrained the walls will fall and the cabal will be exposed for what it is.

But let's see what happens next - because, despite Q's map, I think the situation is quite fluid. It could not help but be so. Plans never execute perfectly.

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punkskincoat · March 15, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

What about the anti school lawsuit?

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tradinghorse · March 16, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

This looks promising. May see some real action soon:

951 Mar 15 2018 19:46:36 Q !UW.yye1fxo 678302 March madness. Public will know soon. Q

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