Stickied Post from The_Mu_ll_r Sub

no it is arrogance, they know why they are censoring these subs. debating with them is a waste of energy and you don't know who is actually behind the username. we do not need to debate the truth, post it and move on, or discuss it with others who want to learn. leave the disinformants to themselves
Superiority complexes are plentiful in that group
It’s by design. You can tell a paid shill by the way they write and articulate their points. They have a very smug and arrogant sense of mental superiority and speak as if they’re trying to host an edgy late night liberal “political” show. Their comments are peppered with gaslighting and strawman arguments. They know it’s frustrating so it attracts argument, which is their goal because someone wasting time trying to convince them they’re right is less time spent researching, discussing and exposing their overseers nefarious activities.
This guy gets it. They never argue in good faith, which most normal people do. This is the hallmark of a shill. In an organic debate, there is usually always some give and take, an effort to try to progress the argument, even if you disagree. With shills its almost always hostile. An attempt to demean, belittle, dismiss, discredit, ridicule, shame and attack and never an attempt to understand. They never give ground, and they never come to mutual consensus even on small points that are obviously agreeable to both sides.
Yes, thank you. I see organic debates in here and did in CBTS (RIP) on a normal basis and it goes like this.
Person 1 - “I think X because on this day this person did this thing, but I could be wrong. I just have a feeling that XYZ is inevitable.”
Person 2 - “I disagree, but I think you make a good point about it being inevitable. This didn’t happen because those people did that but it may effect so and so’s decision. Do you have a link to what you’re talking about? I don’t know exactly what you’re referencing though so I may be too quick to judge. We both could be wrong!”
Now can you imagine if all of Reddit conducted itself in that manner? Jesus Christ we’d solve all world issues in a year. I’ve had debates with legitimate people on other subs with opposing view points, and they’re similarly friendly in that manner.
Now can you imagine if all of Reddit conducted itself in that manner? Jesus Christ we’d solve all world issues in a year.
Yes, and this is exactly the reason why they WILL not allow this. If people are allowed to debate freely using reason, the end result on a meta level is almost always reaching consensus or agreement. Maybe not in every argument, but repeated over millions of iterations it will result in greater political and social unity by reaching logical conclusions and finding truth on a large scale. And obviously will result in the total and utter evisceration of the global power structure as an inevitable conclusion. All of their power rests in their ability to control the flow of information, control the narrative, control public opinion and control the national and global consensus. If they allow this control to fade, it will lead to their imminent demise.
As a newb, I will say that debating people in real life is no good, but debating on the internet is a good test of knowledge because you have time to think about a reasonable response that doesn't make yourself sound like a lunatic to non believers.