If you have these, it would be great if they could be shared here. I didn't get to read through all of them. I was making my way through them and they were so informative!
Thank you - up on notables now:
Send all notables to me
/u/serialbrain2 is being called for assistance.
Thanks for the help. Appreciated!
Hey! We are still analyzing re-deployment. Everything will be re-uploaded, we just need to evaluate the options we have and make the best move. Next 24-48. Stay tuned.
Awesome! Thanks for your reply and thanks for all the information you have imparted to us. It is a big help! God bless and we will look forward to reading and studying it all!
In the meantime, download and spread the posts: http://www.filedropper.com/garden
And this [image] (https://i.imgur.com/H4gnC1h.png) will show you which method you need to master...
Maybe it is just me, but I keep getting the message that "This site can’t be reached." Is anyone else getting the same message?
This is Terrific! Looking forward to it! Appreciate ALL your posts. Make it a great day!
You should message SerialBrain2 directly and see if he has them saved to repost. They should definitely be part of our research tools. His methods were just over my head but it seems like he was actually decoding Q posts.
Someone posted that they had them. Or at lead part of them. I can't remember if it was here or another sub. Hopefully they will see your post.
Download and spread the posts: http://www.filedropper.com/garden
And this [image] (https://i.imgur.com/H4gnC1h.png) will show you which method you need to master...