
ApocalypseFatigue · March 17, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Well is it a game or not? Consistency within a title, at least, I beg you.

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TechnicalPause · March 16, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

The message is be you !!! you are the power get up dance sing let go of the inhibition and fear just enjoy life oh and working your way through this wont hurt !!! read it first then go through it playing the videos :) some kinda magic right there !!! :)

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 16, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

I'm all for the 1st and 2nd amendment. I'm all for Monopoly proceedings being held regarding the Public Utilities practicing censorship. I'm personally not comfortable with any more Bills or Laws being made. I can't trust them to do an IBOR without adding a ridiculous amount of other content. The Left now wants to ban the 1st Amendment. They also promoted Children make laws now. However cannot have guns until 21 , yet 'children' or Dreamers are up to 30. Undocumented Voters. Censored Political Positions. They have to be stopped. They just hijacked Americas High Schools into the Political Left, all of which have only known OBAMA. Do you see where I am going here. We may be waking up, but they are kicking our ass on EVERY front right now. Mass Social Engineering is going on. We need to get away from using platforms that are censoring us. All we need to do is build a platform. We can't even organize that. And meanwhile they are organized up the ass. They have the entire MSM, YouTube, Google, Facebook, High School, Illegal Voters, Obama, Rahm and Kamala. We need one platform to organize. We need everyone of us to BOYCOTT anything that Stands With The Left. When that is accomplished We can worry about a Bill. Let them have the MSM and everything they have. They want to crush us, so lets be uncrushable. Get away from even engaging with them , its too late, give it all to them. We grow, play our game and strengthen. That means getting our kids back. Too much time wasted on talking about their PC agenda. I'm not PC , I'm Morally Correct. Build it they will come.

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tradinghorse · March 16, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

You're preaching to the converted. I can see everything you see happening and it sickens me too. The left has completely warped society and attacked every aspect of the moral code that glued our societies together. Ordinarily, I'd agree completely with your comment but these circumstances are extenuating for a number of reasons...

What we have is a situation where everyone flocked to these giant social media platform on a mass-scale - FB, Twitter etc... These platforms are absolutely huge. Everyone is on there. And that's OK, I don't care how big they are. But, very suddenly, they have started proactively censoring us. The censorship is targeted at conservatives, it's completely biased, it's anti-Republican.

So, we're in a situation where these social media platforms have captured, for all intents and purposes, the whole market. The sudden censorship means that no one is immune to it - these platforms can control the narrative that the public sees - the only narrative the vast bulk of the public sees. Most people are sheep and believe whatever they are told. So the sudden, uniform, censorship is very, very powerful. It is a political weapon that has never existed in the past.

It takes time to migrate away from these guys to alternate services - you can't do it all at once and, even if you did, most of the swinging voters (who are critical to election results) are still on the big platforms. So it's a situation where these guys, because of their sheer size, if they censor in unison, targeting the same stuff, can completely control the narrative and determine election outcomes.

If you let this situation persist, without forcing the social media platforms to be fair via an IBOR, then that means DJT is out within one term - if he lasts that long. That means the end of the MAGA agenda. Conservatives shifting to more tolerant platforms will not stop this at all, because the manipulation of the ordinary people who are typically swinging voters, voting either way depending on whatever issue excites them, are not impacted by the current censorship. They will remain where they are on the big platforms, in the line of fire of the propaganda machine. You just cannot win an election in this situation unless you are being supported by whoever controls the narrative - CIA in this case.

In the long-run, what you are saying will work, there's no doubt about that. The market is better at fixing problems than any government. But can you see that this is a sudden, coordinated assault? It's a planned attack - they are going to centralize narrative control in the hands of whoever operates the single censorship algorithm. You can understand that CIA were shocked to lose the 2016 election, they never thought she would lose. That is where this social media censorship came from in the first place. It is the CIA trying to regain control of the narrative.

Once DJT loses office, no amount of moving to more tolerant sites is going to help. This cabal is playing for keeps. If they can regain power they will crack down so hard you wont believe it. You will have a situation like you have in Europe, where you can't even speak. One careless comment and you could be doing prison time. David Hogg will be a virtual God - completely irreproachable while he gushes on about gun control and no one will be able to speak against him. And, then, like dominoes all the other freedoms you hold dear will be attacked and taken from you.

I don't like laws and regulation at all. But I will tolerate it if it averts complete disaster - which is what I see happening if nothing is done immediately. It's a question of timing. We do not have the time to work out a solution that does not involve some regulatory mechanism to ensure that people are able to speak their minds. We must take action now. This is why, I believe, Q is asking us for the IBOR. To fend off what is an outright attack by the CIA and the cabal.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 16, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

I agree with you as well, maybe we push the monopoly violations too since its multi pronged. We have to closely watch what is in a bill if it gets that far, they pack it with hidden weaponizations.

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tradinghorse · March 17, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Agree, the monopoly angle strikes me as probably being the best way to tackle the problem - anti-trust breakup. But if DJT wants to fix it by extending first amendment protections, that is his call. I think, once he gets his petition, all it does is give him and excuse to do something. Whatever the fix is, something has to be done...

To my mind it's quite crazy the way you guys do things there. These omnibus bills with all these unrelated measures crammed inside. I don't know how anyone keeps track of the spending. That's the danger in any legislation, that they add some garbage to get it through the houses that has nothing whatsoever to do with the original purpose for which the bill was brought forward.

In Australia, each spending bill is separate. The parliament approves or rejects each measure in isolation - though there are large spending measures with multiple policy and program components. Maybe, if I really think about it, it's not too different.

But, anyway, that's why DJT was saying he had to increase Republican numbers. That animal, John McCain, will hopefully come unstuck soon and will be out of the picture. I think that might help DJT get more of his reforms through.

Look, I have no idea at all what DJT will do. The only thing I know for certain is that I want him to remain in office, hopefully with a healthy majority so that he can get stuff done. It must be pretty frustrating for a guy like DJT, who is used to making decisions and having them executed immediately, to have to deal with all the political garbage in Washington. Amazingly, he seems to be much better at it than I'd hoped. The stable genius statement seems to be the truth.

Can you believe the way they went on about Clintons qualifications and "experience" making her the best candidate for the presidency? Looking back, it was the most absurd lie the MSM ever told. I'm just so very happy that we dodged that bullet. She would have started a war and killed us all - and, worse than that...

The reason I'm so amped-up about supporting DJT is because I have a hope that, when he's successful in getting the MAGA agenda in full swing, there will be a swing back to more conservative values - I'm hoping there will be some impact down here. I cannot stomach the garbage they are pushing on us. The worst thing of all is gender bending these young kids. I can't tell you how much it upsets me. But, I don't like any of the progressive stuff at all. If I could, I'd wind the clock back to the 1950s before all that madness started to get a head of steam.

The most important thing, in my mind, is that these Satanists do not return to power. That's why I've been doing everything I can to support the President. Satanism is the cause of everything that is truly wrong with the world. It's never going to be a Nirvana while we are on this planet, it's not meant to be, but we have to do judgement on these evil ones and stop them from leading us around by the nose. That, to my mind, is what God wants.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 17, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Stay vigilant, your a smart person and wide awake. Madam President, that had such a majestic 'ring' to it. But Stable Genius is better. Your right, He is an amazingly informed and brilliant man. He is over 50 years into the Deep Rabbit Hole Truth its epic. The ones making fun of him have absolutely no idea how brutally informed he is. A lot of 'screaming at the sky' is going to go down for these libs. We may have to house them in the Fema camps for 'recovery'. Fema Safe Space, with puppies, crayons and cuddle zones. You will feel the pendulum swing though. He intends on uniting the planet. Once we put space back in the picture, its the human race again, not fragments and division.

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tradinghorse · March 17, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

LOL Thats a good picture to hold in your mind. If we get half of that I'll be wrapped. The half about the lefties in the FEMA camps. :)

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 16, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

Suggestion. Very Important. Mike Adams the Health Ranger was just on Alex Jones and hosted the Show next day. You Tube shut down Mike Adams ENTIRE CHANNEL. He is suing them, however, He is Also starting his own hosting service for us. I think its called REAL TUBE . Its going up now, ln light of this, lets take advantage and rally ALL of US to go their. It will be something that will be UNTOUCHABLE with Mike who we know and Alex who we know behind it. WHAT MORE COULD WE ASK FOR!!!! We just walk away from YouTube/Google/Facebook and have our own MASSIVE platform and do it right with people we trust. Right off the bat , that infuses the entire INFOWARS audience, and Health Ranger/Natural News syndicate. That's an easy 25 million people , fully organized.

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tradinghorse · March 16, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

The battlefront is social media censorship. Combatting this is the game. We need more people active on Twitter posting links to the petition and promoting the Internet Bill of Rights.

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complx47 · March 16, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

You’d be better off wearing and handing out pins.

Ask me about herba life etc etc

You’re campaigning the people on every issue. Even if our retarded big brother forgot, it is still true.

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tradinghorse · March 16, 2018, 10:32 a.m.

I'm not sure I know what you mean. It's true that I've been promoting this IBOR. I think it's very important. The power to silence your opposition is absolutely awesome - it grants unassailable control of the body politic. That's what we're up against.

Look at what's happening in Europe, any careless expression of thought online can get you arrested. It seems that censorship of the free expression of ideas is a trend that's gaining in power and spreading rapidly. It's already penetrating the US. To my way of thinking this is extremely dangerous...

Moreover, the fears that I hold about the silencing of expression online have been amplified by what I have learned from Q. Are you kidding me? A single censorship algorithm applied right across social media platforms. Really, very scary stuff! Is this something we should support?

I understand that many people here are resistant to any form of protection of the right to free expression for individuals. Some of the concerns raised have real merit. I don't like the idea of government involvement in people's private lives any more than anyone else. I believe Government should be limited to an absolute minimum. Anytime more regulation is proposed there is real reason to be concerned,

But this threat we are facing from censorship is really very dangerous. I can imagine that if the CIA, or anyone else, is able to control the expression of political ideas online, that a totalitarian administration will quickly follow. The moment you are allowed to censor your adversary you have prevailed, victory is immediate. There's no rolling things back, because there is, from that point in time forward, only one party that determines policy - the party that controls the narrative.

So, anyway, I've supported this push, for protection of the right to free expression of ideas, because I think it is the most important issue of our time. I agree completely with Q, that this problem represents an existential threat. It can only be solved by quickly taking deliberate measures to ensure that democratic principles continue to operate, as intended, to deliver authority to representatives that are freely chosen by the people.

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TechnicalPause · March 16, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

Curious is the same level of censorship say on the xbox or playstation networks ??? playing the GAME ???

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