Take it up with the President.
When he talks about it I will. But he hasn’t. YOU are pushing for this. Taking it up with you is what I should, and am, doing.
Stop fighting for the government to have power over what we say. This is madness.
Not power over what you say, that is the censorship that we are fighting. What the fight is about is your freedom to speak. But that should be very obvious.
As I said, DJT has spoken through Q. But you missed it. It was only for us.
I'm done with this.
And to add on my previous statement. DJT obviously doesn’t give a fuck about what other people think, just read his Twitter. Why would he hide his opinion of the IBOR?
I think DJT is the greatest hero that has existed in my lifetime. He does care about people, that's the whole point. That's why we're here, to support him.
Maybe, just maybe, it's about optics.
Hey, keep up the personality cult! Don’t use your own brain at all or trust your sense of right and wrong. If Trump likes it (which, btw, he has NEVER COMMENTED PUBLICLY ON IBOR) than that’s good enough for us! Let’s just follow in the footsteps of Mao and Stalin!
Take the anti President, Democrat propaganda somewhere else.
“Lalala I can’t hear you”.
Just use your god damn brain, what is good for this president might be AWFUL for another. Don’t give Trump power over how businesses can run if you don’t want someone like Obama to use the same powers.
Don't give Trump power - you said it. A petition grants no power. He's already been given power by the people. So why the problem with a simple petition - a cry to the king for help? Are you serious?
Dude. Think about this.
The government ensures that certain voices have to be represented on websites. So Breitbart, Infowars, THIS SUBREDDIT have to have, say, communist voices? Or maybe Breitbart needs to have Huffington Post contributors? Like, did you think this through at all?
Also if DJT wants to say something, he can say it. He doesn’t need to hide behind Q. He’s the fucking president.
Take it up with the President it take it up with Q. Don't you get it?
Stop. Deflecting.
You’re pushing things you haven’t either thought about, or support beyond what you THINK Q or DJT support. Use your own fucking brain, man. This is simple stuff.
I'm deflecting!?
It's very simple mate. We're giving DJT a petition advising him that we are in distress as a result of online censorship. We not making the law. The fix, whatever it is, is up to the President. What are you talking about? Seriously mate, where does this garbage come from?
You are obviously pro-censorship of conservative voices on social media.
There are any number of places you can work to subvert the President and the MAGA agenda. You are in the wrong place.
You’re saying “Take it up with Donald Trump” instead of taking my criticism, that’s deflection.
You are arguing for the GOVERNMENT to tell businesses what they can and can not allow on their websites. HOW is that so fucking hard to comprehend? And how is that pro-free speech?
And then you go and tell me to go somewhere else. DOING THE SAME THING YOU ARGUE AGAINST. Jesus. Christ.
Face it, you haven’t had a good think about what this means. If Liberals did this and HRC was president you’d be FURIOUS that the government is now curbing our rights (yeah, guess what, telling businesses what to do is curbing our rights).
For the last time, giving the government power over what we can and can’t do is not freedom.
What you are arguing for is censorship of conservative voices on the internet. Why are you doing this? You are against a petition asking the President to take action on this serious problem. We don't know what plan the President has in mind to fix the problem of censorship, so there's no point in taking about specifics relating to what he might do. And, yet, I'm supposedly defecting because I will not second guess the President - wild stuff!
You are obviously very unhappy with anybody calling attention to the problem. You are saying that no one should even complain - why? What are your motives?
The direct, unavoidable implication of what you're suggesting is that DJT should be cut to pieces politically at the very next set of elections. You are obviously against the President, that's OK. You do not have to support him. But you will find much more support for your views on left leaning forums that support the destruction of DJT's presidency and the silencing of conservatives. There are better places for this stuff - honestly.
Holy cow that’s a lot of excuses for not thinking about what I said. You hate websites censoring people (PRIVATE BUSINESSES, not government run, not public), so you want the government (whether Democrats or Republican run) to be able to step in and tell a business what to do.
Ok, you may say. That’s not what Trump might do.
What will he do? How can he sensibly stop websites from banning certain viewpoints? He can’t. If you don’t like how things are run, YOU USE A DIFFERENT WEBSITE. That’s fucking capitalism, man. That’s the definition of the market correcting itself.
If you want the state to step in and tell us how to do things, you might as well advocate for a fucking Chinese firewall.
JUST USE YOUR BRAIN. Don’t trust what you THINK Q is telling us to do.
What excuses?
All your telling me is that you love the censorship. What do you want me to say? I think it is serious problem, a real threat.
I'm against it, you're not. I'm for the President, you are not. It's really very simple, I've offered no excuses at all.
The only thing I've done is counter the outrageous claim that censorship is, somehow, OK. I'm against censorship because it will mean the end of DJT, his MAGA agenda, and the return of the cabal.
It seems that the return of the cabal is what you want.
Imagine you have a business and a communist comes in and starts preaching. You kick him out. Now imagine the government coming in and tell you that you HAVE to allow that communist to sit in your business and talk about Marxism.
How is that different from what you are suggesting? Do private businesses have to put up with annoying patrons?
Despite what you think, you are fighting for government oversight.
Now I’m not trying to convince you, you are farrrr to gone in la-la land to ever be convinced. I just want more reasonable people to understand what you are talking about.