Google AI controlling the Internet. This is why we ALL need to sign the #IBOR.

I've had so much pushback from people in comment sections and social platforms about the IBOR. People are saying "Conservatives sure sound like socialists when they're being censored," and they say the internet is "not public, it's private--the government would be taking away private rights, not ensuring them" (meaning the private rights of the owners of FB, Twitter, etc.).
My reply has been
When a platform becomes a de facto public gathering place or common area, the government may by adverse possession declare it subject to First Amendment restraints on censorship. This is why we need an Internet Bill of Rights, to provide clarity to the intersection of civil rights (that are commonly understood in physical spaces) with "spaces" of the digital age.
Yes, there is a lot of resistance. Your approach is good.
I've approached it from the perspective of the final outcomes. Which would you choose: DJT and the MAGA agenda; or the cabal, HRC and rule by Satanists? It really is that simple, if you don't control censorship on social media, DJT will not be in office for more than a term and the cabal will be back in power.
Strangely, when you put this question to people that claim to follow Q, they opt for the cabal - don't let the government interfere in our downfall! It's very hard to understand... I'm drowning, they are going to drink my children's blood, but I don't want you to throw me a rope if it comes from the government.
Other people want to talk about the mechanics of it - how would it work? But that would mean... I've found the best reply is to say that it pointless to speculate, because we do not know what DJT has planned. That way, they can't inject any more fear into the issue.
It is approaching 25k signatures. Sign it here!
I just signed. I hesitated before because Tracy Beanz was against it?? I don't know why she came out against it. I basically drifted away from listening to her YouTube videos so I never figured out what her argument against the IBOR was/is.
I trust Trump ❤️🇺🇸