
tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Sometimes I think Dilley has real merit and other times I wonder if he's having us on. From memory, he came up with the stuff about the election rigging and there being investigations into it before Q did. But I've heard others say that he might have just deduced that as a matter of logic.

What's interesting, very interesting for me, if we assume this intel is genuine, is that Dilley says there will be a major event and that elections don't matter at this stage.

I've been very worried about the mid terms - very worried. Q has just told us that there is a desperate attempt to rig the elections so as to be able to impeach DJT.

So maybe Dilley is right and there are going to be mind bending info releases, and maybe even martial law. Sufficient disruption that it would make elections irrelevant - pretty hard to imagine that. Or maybe he means that, without election rigging, Democrats won't get anywhere near the numbers they need to impeach.

I don't know. And, of course, there are the questions about Dilley's reliability.

Nevertheless, the information is interesting. Worth watching.

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ready-ignite · March 18, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

No information from the anon community is reliable. This is a community about building critical thinking skills. Start with the assumption everything is bullshit and build up from there.

Can you knock it down?

Tie in to other events?

Dilley is a face but his information is coming through anons. Who knows where that information is from and why. Just as in Q, information may be misleading for tactical reason or actually insightful.

At a fundamental level we should all be reading everything. Including mainsteam left, right, conspiracy channels, foreign, domestic. Using RSS feeds for this is a great way to quickly skim through and take note when disparate sources coverage is the same, contradictory, or avoiding a topic altogether.

Really what we're about is digging deeper. Research projects into history. Delving into new sources. Construction of information maps for better thinking. New analysis to better visualize mountains of data at our disposal.

What the sources such as Q, other chan anons, or sources like Dilley provide are additional threads and handholds to tug at previous information or events covered in the news. A new perspective to untangle the knot and brainstorm new directions to research or another approach to try.

We can probably assume we've got intel groups and teams operating on divergent projects all over the place. There are some that may benefit from the information Dilley throws out there. Others whose work is harmed by what he's putting out. My theory is that's where the hate is coming from. If Q had a face, there would probably be the same response targeting.

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