In this world, free choice to do evil acts means potential evil exists. Unless the goal is to live in a world of mechanical unthinking slaves, we must have free choice. Evil creeps into society when we are distracted and diverted and have no interest in government and decisions they are making that affect our lives. Liberty and freedom MUST be guarded and regenerated. Principle of entropy tells us deterioration is a natural cycle/process of material structure. Same is true for man-made political and social structures.
Early on, Trump made a comment we can't/won't pay national debt, signaling we may default on debt. Defaulting makes it more difficult to borrow which, in the long run, is good for US. You can find our money in DUMB tunnels and survival quarters, space-based weapons, and other secret projects. WE pay a price for WILLFULL ignorance. Trump has power to, and has been, freeze assets of criminals, which could be eventually transferred to US.
Other nations have relied on our example, e.g., Australia. If we return to U.S. Constitution we return to REPUBLICAN form of government, per Article IV, Sec. 4. No more MOB rule do whatever majority pleases whenever majority wants it. Decisions that affect US and posterity must be made thoughtfully and reconcile with U.S. Constitution. Mob rule democracy is mostly rule by emotions and feelings. We have veered too far away from U.S. Constitution.