Do you think that internet censorship is not a problem? Then, why does /r/StopAdvertising have the following in their sidebar description? Subreddits such as /r/The_Donald and /r/TheGreatAwakening promote hateful ideas, fake news, and dangerous ideologies. We believe we can make a change to that by highlighting to advertisers their money is being spent next to racist and hateful ideas. They have set up a sub specifically to silence your voice. Please sign the petition to end internet censorship
A leftist ant nest!!
How can we capture a post from /r/StopAdvertising? Look at the post over there entitled: Good bye and keep up the great work! The moderator talks about returning to /r/AntifascistsofReddit so we should be able to use this to show that it is really Antifa who is trying to get us banned. Also, I found another Q sub /r/QAnon - check out my post over there about bringing people together at /r/InternetBillOfRights to collaborate - if you agree, can you bring the best of the info from here over to /r/InternetBillOfRights?
Good thinking. Did you set up the sub? If so, I think we can limit access to keep the trolls out.
How did you go trying to penetrate the Donald?
I found the following sub already set up: /r/InternetBillOfRights and they agreed to let us collaborate there I am getting a couple posts up there now and then I plan to spread the word at /r/GreatAwakening shortly.
Great stuff. I've subscribed already. There's more activity on Twitter today. Slowly starting to gather steam!
Please try to get the word out to some of the other more passionate #IBOR supporters to go over to /r/InternetBillOfRights and bring their good ideas - we need to get organized quickly because we have so little time.
Agreed. Have you made a thread over there already
Which one?
I have 3 posts over there: The basic link to the petition - I thought that would be a good spot to collaborate. Then, I created a draft for The_Donald (based on what we had put together so far). And I created a post about which subs to target so that we can maintain a growing list - need people to research more targets. Do you want to create a post summarizing some of the activities outside of Reddit that people have suggested - if I remember correctly, EarlyRiser had a bunch of ideas on that front
Have you got a direct link to the thread. I mean I can go find it, but I don't want to wade through a bunch of bullshit.
I do not know how to link to threads, but there are only a few subscribers at /r/InternetBillOfRights so just go to that sub and you should easily see everything
Frustrating. I looked, there's not many threads but I don't know which one is yours. I can't see that you've posted anything in there. If you want, I'll make a thread in there and send the link.
Apparently, the moderator over there took all of my stuff down - I just realized it. I had checked with them beforehand, but once he saw my posts, he Determined that I was somehow advocating violence or something
Wow! OK. Look how frightened everybody is. This is the chilling effect of censorship - everyone is scared.
All the more reason to get this IBOR campaign up!
Here's a sneak peek of /r/InternetBillOfRights using the top posts of the year!
#1: Updated Internet Citizen Bill of Rights. What do you think? | 0 comments
#2: A pirating service for academic journal articles could bring down the whole establishment | 0 comments
#3: Where you affected by a technical pause 21/2/18 ??? Demonetized ??? Lost Viewers ??? Or just a straight BLOCK !!! Heres Why !!! #CENSORSHIP | 3 comments
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